ginger are we

Abcidia said:
Some men loose all atrative, when they cut their hair. I mean look at the guy of depeche mode, with long hair he looked kind of interesting. When he cut his hair he just looked like the classical nerd from teen american movies.

I could put endless examples but this is just a way to shout.
Dont cut your bloody hair unless you have some other appeal.

Just a thought
If I'd said this about NHS breast reduction operations, all the ladies on the board would go bezerk and try and get my thread deleted
It was just a thought, and you can get my post deleted if you want. No big deal.

And honestly I think it is not the same thing. Breast reduction and hairstyles.
nomana-nuniyan said:
Huh? I was sure you were gay. By the way you look in your pics and some other things.

er, is that the small tits reference?

oooo he wont like that our don, nom nom
nomana-nuniyan said:
Huh? I was sure you were gay. By the way you look in your pics and some other things.

er, is that the small tits reference?
errr no im not gay
do you make assumptions on people's sexual choices from the way they look on pics? wow i didnt see that coming...especially from you.

and what are some other things?
Don Corleone said:
errr no im not gay
do you make assumptions on people's sexual choices from the way they look on pics? wow i didnt see that coming...especially from you.

and what are some other things?

yeah, assumptions are really a problem when it comes to sexuality, race, cultural reference, history, historical context, and religion.

didn't think I'd see it coming...especially from you.