
are girls....

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...and forgive us for our debts
as we also have forgiven our debtors
and do not bring us to the time of trial
but rescue us from the evil one...
All of the above I say. It's kinda like cats and dogs. Dogs being blokes of course. Not hard to find one who will be your friend for life. Not hard to find one that would turn on you either. Cats on the other hand, very fickle creatures. Alot like girls really......cuddle and love them, they are a great companion. Ignore them or love them too much and they'll piss and claw all over you and everything you own. It's true, it's true.
Mariner said:
why are they evil then? They are outfunning you for sure. Otherwise you wouldnt be pissed. :tickled:
shut up you little twat :D
Im actually asking whether they are evil or not. And, for the record, sex isn't hard to come by if youre as hairy as me. Methinks you're trying to impress someone eh? ;)
StrahmCallin'! said:
All of the above I say. It's kinda like cats and dogs. Dogs being blokes of course. Not hard to find one who will be your friend for life. Not hard to find one that would turn on you either. Cats on the other hand, very fickle creatures. Alot like girls really......cuddle and love them, they are a great companion. Ignore them or love them too much and they'll piss and claw all over you and everything you own. It's true, it's true.

right on, mate. we make the exact same analogy with my friends...