girly high-pitched vocals

Originally posted by metallica sucks cock
anyone have any helpful advice on how to reach the upper vocal registers like on battle angels? without cutting off my balls.
of which verse? or is it the chorus?
i havent heard the song but here's my advise for falsetto notes:

assuming you already know how to sing in your falsetto (aka your head voice), all you gotta do is figure out the type of resonance you want. for example, for opera-kind of clean vox you just sing falsetto with enough air in your mouth for the fat sound to come out. but if you want some more halfordian (im talking painkiller screams) sounds you gotta open up your mouth and try adding an "rrrr" growl from the throat before every wail/note/word. its a different position for the mouth than singing within your range. you gotta experiment, but first step is reaching falsetto.

-yves margarita
yes but your thePKH. you don't expect form every mortal man to sing like that, do you? a mortal has to be fucked by animals or cut his balls off to sing like that!:grin:
for along while,...

how do you get billy gibbons(a.k.a zz top) vox...
What till you have it, its a BONG WITH COCAINE NUMBNESS, BUT YOU DON'T GET THE heart effects, very nice relaxer.