Giving Revalver one more shot


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
Alright I'm still messing around with Revalver HP a bit.

I have been trying to get a tone that will work for heavy chords as well as more technical riffs.

Check this out and let me know your thoughts, or suggestions on improving the tone of the guitars and the overall mix.

A little info.
Dimarzio Tone Zone > Line6UX2 > Revalver 6505 red channel with tube screamer > FinalV2! Impulse > Curve EQ taken from a guitar part in a Trivium song.


Newest Clip

Here is the newest clip, where I used the same revalver settings, but I used a different impulse for the inner two guitar tracks.
I think it gives them a little more depth.

The outer guitar tracks use the FinalV2! Impulse and the inner ones use one of Brohym's Mesa impulses.
Hmmm, I've never used Curve EQ actually, I suspect it can make the tone very different.

Anyway, I think that tone should work! It's pretty good, try it with a short but "full" mix. Well, all you gotta do is add bass I guess, but vocals would be cool too.
Did you take the curve from the intro of Detonation?!?!?
...I'm curious about it. Let me know! :)
No I took it from their newest album, from Like Callisto To A Star In Heaven, at the part where the guitars are riffing by themselves
Does anyone have any tips for making the guitars a little darker and hollower sounding?

I can never get the guitars and drums to sit by themselves in my mixes. I'm pretty novice when it comes to EQing, but I've just started using group channels in cubase. I love it when I hear recordings on here where the guitars and drums sound so separated but both huge.
I think that sounds really good. I am also using Revalver HP with the recabinet impulses through LAConvolver. I'm getting good sounds, but I feel like my guitars still don't have that "those sound huge" factor that professional albums have. Can you provide any tips for a fellow Revalver HP user? I'm also looking into a program like curve EQ but I don't think they have an audio units version. Anybody recommend one? I have Ozone which has a spectrum analyzer. Maybe I should give it a try.
I think that sounds really good. I am also using Revalver HP with the recabinet impulses through LAConvolver. I'm getting good sounds, but I feel like my guitars still don't have that "those sound huge" factor that professional albums have. Can you provide any tips for a fellow Revalver HP user? I'm also looking into a program like curve EQ but I don't think they have an audio units version. Anybody recommend one? I have Ozone which has a spectrum analyzer. Maybe I should give it a try.

Hi man.

There is a tool in logic called Match EQ. It works fine for that purposes.
