Glasgow review + full photo gallery

Haha, that's the worst review I've ever read. Although up against such high octane non-repetitive genius like Tool I can see why you might have found Opeth boring. :rolleyes:

Question: Do you go to the gig just to hand out leaflets and get hits for your website? Or did you go actually knowing who Opeth were or having heard any of their CD's?
I totally agree with the review(I was there)

Not a major Opeth fan but "sound repetitive and somewhat boring" I agree with.

I'm sure the big Opeth fans loved it though.
This is normally the point where i say, "well if you disagree with the review and you have seen them recently, write your own review and if it's up to scratch, i'll post it", but seen as very few of you seem to be able to put space in between your critical opinion and your love of Opeth, i feel i'm very unlikely to get non-bias reviews.
As it happens, i've had only heard a couple of Opeth tracks previous to going to the, but i had heard a lot of good things about them, so was going along with an open mind by invitation of band management, speciffically to review the gig, which i might add, i did.
Opeth failed to impress me. Not the case with everyone, but a review is always going to be an opinion, but you have to learn to try and put like or dislike of the music aside and look at the performance with a critical eye.
Answer:-Normally i try to go to gigs where i have a large amount of knowledge of the bands previous material, but if asked at last minute to attend a gig, it makes it kind of difficult to find time to familiarize yourself with all their material, as normally the record company won't even have time to send it out.
If anyone here actually feels that they can write a critical review of any of the Opeth gigs on the current tour, feel free to email me them at and i'll take a look through them. As long as the English is up to scatch and it's not just a "i worship the ground Opeth walk on" (that doesn't mean you can't give them 10/10 if you feel it's an appropriate score), it'll get posted.

Just on a last note, to your very mercinary view of going along just to hand out flyers and get hits, I go to gigs because i enjoy gigging and discovering new music. Not alway metal, but predominantly. I started up the site simply due to that, and more hits changes very little as i don't make money off the site or through the number of hits the site achieves.
Look, you haven't even mentioned the performance, you've just said that the songs they were playing to almost perfection got boring and repetitive. To the untrained ear, of course it's going to seem samey and boring if you don't know the songs. Most gigs are like that if you don't know the songs, and with a crowd in the style of Opeth you aren't going to enjoy the mosh pit action when most people can't even headbang due to the absolute awe of seeing one of their favourite bands belt out songs like "Advent" and "Demon of the Fall".

If I was to write anything critical of the gig, it would be that I didn't think Madder Morten were all that great. But I'm a huge fan and have been since My Arms Your Hearse, I'm hardly going to think seeing my 4th favourite band play live with an absolutely fantastic sound wasn't up to scratch.

People shouldn't review gigs if they don't know the band, and you should state that in the review you've only heard "a couple of Opeth songs" out of 6(7 with Damnation) albums worth before going to the gig. What you've done here is the equivalent of listening to Demon of the Fall and reviewed My Arms Your Hearse entirely on that song.
MA speaks the truth. You should know a band before you go to a gig, Opeth or not. Otherwise its a fucking stupid review as the live sound of a band may differ greatly from the sound quality of an album, plus you don't have the prior knowledge of the music that should be a prequisite for this kind of thing.
You want honest critisim of their performance. Unremarkable. Their stage presence was just enough to fill the Garage but hardly overwhelming. Their technical skill where never in question, but many bands out there can perform to that level.
As to judging music on first listen, it's something you have to learn to do if you're going to be a critic. There's far to much material to get through to develop an indeapth knowledge of every band and artist out there. Do you really think that the reviewers for Rock Sound or Rolling Stone have extensive experience with every band they review?
You get used to judging what you like and don't like on first listen.
Sorry if you don't agree with me. I've written an honest review with honest opinions (something you don't see often in the press today) and even given each of you the opertunity to write reviews of your own rather than complaining that i don't agree with you. Not much more i can offer you really.
Afraid not mate. Not small minded enough to have to have other people agree with me and that's just about the most pathetic thing i've heard all day. I can fight my own battles. Don't need second personas to back myself up.
If i was you, i wouldn't take a review personally. Just seems kinda pointless to me. I try to advertise every live review done on the site, just to spread the word. I'm sure that they'll be far more reviews on the site where you might agree with the reviewers.
I find it quite narrow minded to write off the entier site due to your personaly dissagreement with one reviewer on one review.
One more point: The review wasn't entirely negative. (6/10) seems to me to be on the high side of avarage to me. Maybe it's just me and my twisted mathematics?
Kaberonie said:
You ARE the reviewer :rolleyes:

I hate to piss on your parade, but no I am not.

I went with 2 mates and we left early because we were a little bored.

We gave them a chance, and I gave you my with it.
So wait, let me get this went to see a band and got bored of them so much you walked out half way through. Then went to their site, looked at their messageboard and then REGISTERED just to say you agree that they are boring?

As to judging music on first listen, it's something you have to learn to do if you're going to be a critic. There's far to much material to get through to develop an indeapth knowledge of every band and artist out there. Do you really think that the reviewers for Rock Sound or Rolling Stone have extensive experience with every band they review?

Uh, yes they do for most releases. Promotional copies are sent out MONTHS in advance for the very reason that the press get the chance to give it an accurate and fair listen before reviewing it.

Sorry if you don't agree with me. I've written an honest review with honest opinions (something you don't see often in the press today) and even given each of you the opertunity to write reviews of your own rather than complaining that i don't agree with you. Not much more i can offer you really.
You went to a gig completely ignorant of the majority of the setlist and failed to mention that in a review in which you called them boring and repetitive. If you can't understand why fans of the band find that unacceptable then you are in no position to be writing for any decent media outlet. Oh wait, you aren't.
Masters Apprentice said:
So wait, let me get this went to see a band and got bored of them so much you walked out half way through. Then went to their site, looked at their messageboard and then REGISTERED just to say you agree that they are boring?

That is about as staight as a circle.

I registered on this site last week to search for info about the Glasgow gig(you cant search unless you register)

I left 2 songs before the end(as a few others did)

I then came on here again to see if anyone had been at that specific gig.

The 1st thread on this board was about Glasgow and a review.

I then gave my opinion on the review(which I agreed with)

Whats difficult to comprehend?
Oh now i'm forced to bow down to your far superior knowledge of how the music press works. Of coarse i never get sent albums to review and they don't usually arrive about a week or two before the release, the same time that everyone else gets them.
In fact, truth told, i spend more time listening to them than most of the reviewers for the music magazins, and i know this how?
Oh yes, i talk to them.
Personal insults. Very mature. You know that for every ten or twenty people like you who will hate the site because "they slaged off my favorite band", they'll be one who likes the site and keeps coming back and to be honest, i'm more interested in that one than you.
And just to refer back a bit and answer a question in full:-
Do you go to the gig just to hand out leaflets and get hits for your website?
Well, do you not think that if i just wanted the hits it would have been far easier to write a hugely positive review giving them 9 or 10 out of 10 just to keep small minded people like you coming back?
Oh yes, just to let you in on a little secret of the music press. Reviewer, whoever they're working for, normally go along and take a copy of the set list, writing down the song titles because their not hugely familiar with the bands. That obviously varies depending on what bands the reviewers like, but in general that's how it happens.
I think the problem with going to see opeth live and not knowing any of the songs well (and not knowing many of the songs at all) is you lose all sense of anticipation, everyone has their favourite parts of each track and so on, but hearing songs like godheads lament, deliverance, and serenity painted death live for the first time can't be as interesting as the buildup to each section... the 'you know it's coming' factor.
Just my two cents. The reviewer sucks balls though. :D
laterus69 said:
Oh now i'm forced to bow down to your far superior knowledge of how the music press works. Of coarse i never get sent albums to review and they don't usually arrive about a week or two before the release, the same time that everyone else gets them.
In fact, truth told, i spend more time listening to them than most of the reviewers for the music magazins, and i know this how?
Oh yes, i talk to them.
I don't really care about your situation, you were the one who said reviewers for magazines have too much material to go through every month to be able to give it a fair listen. Which is completely false. There are usually about 10 people doing 40 reviews a month between then, that's like a week dedicated to one album.

laterus69 said:
Personal insults. Very mature. You know that for every ten or twenty people like you who will hate the site because "they slaged off my favorite band", they'll be one who likes the site and keeps coming back and to be honest, i'm more interested in that one than you.
You just don't get it at all, do you? :rolleyes: My problem with the review is not the negative comments but the fact you have given an unfair representation of the gig that night. I'd never go to a Britney Spears gig and review that for a magazine, because my opinion would be totally biased seeing as how I think the music sucks. You've went to see a band you have little experience of and probably knew none of the songs they played and expect people who know what they're talking to find it completely acceptable when you call them "boring" and "repetitive". It's just a total lack of proffesionalism by the website for allowing such substandard reviews to appear on it.

laterus69 said:
And just to refer back a bit and answer a question in full:-Well, do you not think that if i just wanted the hits it would have been far easier to write a hugely positive review giving them 9 or 10 out of 10 just to keep small minded people like you coming back?
Oh yes, just to let you in on a little secret of the music press. Reviewer, whoever they're working for, normally go along and take a copy of the set list, writing down the song titles because their not hugely familiar with the bands. That obviously varies depending on what bands the reviewers like, but in general that's how it happens.
I've worked for various media outlets and nearly got a job with Terrorizer magazine 2 months ago. I currently write for my university and local papers, and will soon be opening my own review website. I actually do get sent promotional copies of albums and free tickets to gigs because record labels want me to review their albums and promote their tours, I think I know how it works, son. :rolleyes:
...and just on a random note...I'm currently studying reviewing at university and you're whole idea of what reviewing is about is completely screwed. You have a duty to the readers of the review to give a fair representation of the thing you are reviewing, which not the case at all here. I just find it funny that all the things I'm learning about in an institution of education go completely against your entire outlook.