GLENN DANZIG Gets 'Knocked Out' By NORTH SIDE KINGS Singer Following Arizona Gig


Helping The World To See
Jan 3, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A.
GLENN DANZIG Gets 'Knocked Out' By NORTH SIDE KINGS Singer Following Arizona Gig - July 4, 2004 DANZIG frontman Glenn Danzig allegedly got into a scuffle with NORTH SIDE KINGS singer and frequent SOULFLY collaborator Danny Marianinho following DANZIG's performance in Tuba City, Arizona Saturday night (July 3). The following is Marianinho's official statement regarding the incident, as sent to BLABBERMOUTH.NET:

"Before crazy rumors begin to spread I would like to explain what happened:

"NORTH SIDE KINGS (web site) were to play with DANZIG last night in Tuba City, Arizona. To make a long story short the whole show was a disaster and a few bands got bumped off. Mr. Danzig (or his management??) refused to push back the original scheduled time slot so NORTH SIDE KINGS and RAPID FIRE would have to play 'after' his set. Whatever — we agreed to play later because we drove 6 hours and didn't feel like going home without playing.

"Needless to say, as soon as DANZIG was finished, the venue turned on the lights and DANZIG's crew and the staging company began to take the stage apart almost instantly. I confronted Mr. Danzig backstage while he was signing autographs and told him I thought he was an asshole because of his 'rock star' attitude and no consideration towards the FEW other bands that got bumped off tonight. In a fit of rage he turned around and slammed me into the wall yelling 'Fuck you, motherfucker,' trying to be a big, tough guy in front of his fans. I, in self-defense, punched him in the face, knocking him out as he was attacking me again. He went down, bleeding from his mouth, eyes rolled back, and in shock that he got knocked to the floor so quickly.

"A friend happened to tape the entire incident and this is all documented. Many witnesses saw him attack me, and I did what any man would do.

"It was unfortunate that this went the way it did — and I hoped Glenn Danzig learned a valuable lesson tonight: Do not lay your hands on anyone unless you can handle what may happen.

"I apologize for nothing, except for the poor little kids that had to witness this big asshole get his ass kicked in a matter of seconds..."
HAHAHAHAHAha. I cant stop laughin either! seems like the rock star attitude got rocked.
man..... he reminded me of Ja Rule in his concert in brisbane lol
apparently some feller through a water bottle at him from the mosh pit, so him and his 2 body guards jumped in and start bashing people lol until the venue security came and dragged them out
lol so he finished the song then left... first song of the night too lol
HAHHAHA ur not manly guys, u got nothing to prove or anyone to show off to lol
why dont they understand that?
omg that guy was fucking 4 times the size of that dude lol and STILL started him...
That was hilarious, I never really liked Danzig, and I have no sympathy for his stupid ass gettin knocked the fuck out. That's what he fucking gets from underground guys who work hard to promote and get their live time. Driving 6 hours and not getting to play would fucking suck...Id tell him he was an asshole too man...
Yeah, classic, someone should make a cartton of this shit, wouldnt it be funny if that Danny guy gets all huge, his band gtets all more popular than Danzing, signs a deal with vctory records, sells more albums, haha, hey it could happen!
DANZIG Named 'Loser Of The Week' By The Arizona Republic - July 16, 2004 The following is an excerpt from Muck Raker's "Losers of the Week" column in the Arizona Republic:

"On July 3, Tuba City became the site where the name of the former lead singer of THE MISFITS was officially synonymous with mud. After bumping several opening bands in order to play his set two hours earlier, Danny Marianino, lead singer of Arizona hardcore band the NORTH SIDE KINGS, had a word with Danzig about this slight, which turned into a word and a knockdown punch.

"Fortunately for Loser watchers, cameras were rolling and video of the six-second bout spread like wildfire through metal Web rings. The video, which lasts all of 20 seconds, shows Danzig with his bald spot facing the camera listening calmly to Marianino before shoving Marianino and being felled like a sack of Satan-worshipping potatoes.

"Normally, this bit of news would just peter out in the ether but since Danzig is such a renowned jerk, everyone has come out of the woodwork to dis him. Everything from humiliating PhotoShop doctored photos of Danzig and cutting remarks from martial artists who studied the video frame-by-frame since Danzig has said in interviews he trained under Jeet Kune Do master Jerry Poteet. 'Maybe Danzig only trains to defend against groupies??' snickered one post while another wondered more philosophically whether it was the fat guy or Danzig's ego that knocked him to the floor. Just when it looked like this story was dying down, Danzig announced that this will be his last tour. Final score: Ego 2, Danzig 0."