GLENN DANZIG Gets 'Knocked Out' By NORTH SIDE KINGS Singer Following Arizona Gig

just as a follow up to all this madness, recently Danzig announced he won't be touring anymore! so thanks north side kings, not only for putting danzig in his place, but for being the proverbial exterminators of this cockroach of suckitude!
Thats crazy haha, his life is going in a downward spiral it seems since that hit to his face. Rumor has it he is trying to get the misfits guy who is also a laywer, to press charges, and that he stormed in to his tour bus breaking everything insight, being all pissed. there should have been a dual. ah well, in other news,


We've just completed a video for "All Knowing Force" which used footage taken at a show in Binghamton NY. There is a preview of the video on our website now. The complete video has been submitted to Prong's Management for distribution to music video outlets and Headbanger's Ball. Stay Tuned for when that will premiere.