Glenn Danzig is a malaka.


Are You Morbid?
Just wanted to inform people of that. He put out some great albums as Danzig, then just totally jumped the shark after 4p (some may even say including 4p).

This douche thinks he's the character he made for himself and then he gets his ass handed to him by the dude from the North Side Kings.

Glenn Danzig is a piece of shit and he's been selling low quality shit to the fans for years now. Live on the Black Hand Side might as well have been a bootleg, with its awful sound. Sounds like Danzig on AM radio.

Fuck you, Danzig!
I never really liked him....But when that fat guy suckered punched him and he dropped like a bitch....That was classic!! And I had that on my computer for quite awhile for those days when I needed a good laugh!!:yow: :yow:
I don't care for the personality, but his early albums were good (in my opinion, of course), but then he started pawning off bootleg shit onto the fans and I'm not hot about that.

As far as the ass-kicking video, do you still have it and can you post it on yousendit? I used to have it.
I liked the first four albums, Samhain and of course the Misfits. As far as the NSK brawl, yeah Glenn was set up but if your gonna shove somebody like that you better be prepared to deal with the consequences. Fare figt, Glenn lost, you can't win them all. Sucks to be him.
I like how Glenn claimed Danny had a weapon, but didn't know that he was being taped. So the NSK's released the tape on the web and it was done from there.

I don't think it was a setup, from all the parties who spoke on behalf of the NSK's, including the promoter. GD was being a fucking primadonna again, and dictating to the promoter how he was going to do things, damn the other show participants, so Danny had the balls to finally say something to Glenn about it, but he wasn't being very understanding and then it escalated from there. Danzig simply cares only about himself and thinks he's the shit. That's probably why he plays in bars now.

So he shoved Danny with all of his 5'4" might and he came back with something that was quite unexpected.
The black belt helped him hit the floor pretty hard.

That's what I always see and hear about these karate guys. They simply don't know how to fight a street fight. Someone comes at them, they can't fight them off very well because the assailant has to be doing a certain thing and come at them from a certain angle. I've handed a ton of black belts their asses right back to them. Unfortunately, these cocksuckers throw around some weight that they have some martial arts training and have the corresponding attitudes that they intimidate and prevent a comflict, but when they become dicks with me and then they precipitate it into a fight, I will hand their ass to them on a platter.

The only thing I was upset about was that Danny didn't hit Danzig AGAIN. A few broken teeth would've served him a big lesson that he's not this scary vampire supernatural motherfucker he thinks he is.

I should link this into the Danzig forum, but just like after the fight, he went into hiding (bruises) and removed all of those threads where people were talking about how his ass was on the floor and he was crying, knocked the fuck out.