Glenn - Has Bal-Sagoth ever been a consideration for ProgPower?

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
I'm not attempting to cheer for a band to be added to the fest, but I'm just curious-- have these guys have ever piqued your interest enough to consider them PP-worthy, at least for a wildcard entry?
They are one of those groups that I heard about six years ago and nothing since. If someone wants to send me some stuff this November, I'd welcome it.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
They are one of those groups that I heard about six years ago and nothing since. If someone wants to send me some stuff this November, I'd welcome it.

Glenn H.

There's probably a couple factors to that... first off, they were releasing albums at a frenetic pace for a while (5 albums from 1995 to 2001), but then they stopped cold for some reason, and haven't released anything since 2001.

The other thing is, back when a bunch of people on the internet were talking about them in 1998 / 1999, lots of people picked up some of their stuff (including me). But looking back, I have to question their "staying power"... it's almost as if people had some fun with their schtick for a couple years, then moved on to other things. I noticed that even by their 2001 release, a lot of people on the boards weren't really talking about them anymore.

I've read that they're working on a new album which is supposed to be out this year. I suppose a lot is riding on that for them. Specifically, regarding them playing ProgPower, I would suggest that their new album would have to get some buzz in these circles, so that they could appear on the roster as one of the more well-known low-to-mid tier acts. Their sound is way too unusual as compared to what someone would expect of a "prog" or "power" metal band, that they probably couldn't just show up and go over well (the way some lesser-known bands have in the past) if there are not a fair number of people who are familiar with them.
They'd be an excellent choice as an 'oddball' band. They have mixed vox, so I think they'd qualify. If they release a decent new CD, I'd definitely be up as a potential future sponsor. :headbang:
I don't think they'd be an oddball at all. They're pretty straightforward epic power metal (more epic and cheesy than most, in fact)... they just happen to have a few raspy vocals mixed in. Even their most "black metal" album isn't very "black metal".

That said, I'd fucking LOVE to see them play, and I can't wait for the new disc.