Glenn....Info needed on selling Gold Badges

I did email you a few days ago, but did not receive a reply, and that is why I posted here and asked if you could email me. Maybe I do not have the correct email address, so if you could leave your email address I will email you back.
Off topic but if you are going to post an email addy in any message board type it like this

echofawn (at) yahoo (dot) com or echofawn-at-yahoo-dot-com

that way you don't become a victim of massive spam/ad attacks =)
I never received any email and I have not had an issue with my email the past month to my knowledge. Try again at ppusa at metalages dot com

Not to be a hardass, but its your responsibility to contact me instead of vice versa.
How about buying more GB's? For instance, I may need to buy another one for a friend coming in from China. Would I be able to do that, or do I have to get a normal badge?
Greykiller said:
How about buying more GB's? For instance, I may need to buy another one for a friend coming in from China. Would I be able to do that, or do I have to get a normal badge?

Sorry, but it has to be a regular ticket. Otherwise, I open up Pandora's Box. :zombie:
Greykiller said:
How about buying more GB's? For instance, I may need to buy another one for a friend coming in from China. Would I be able to do that, or do I have to get a normal badge?
You could buy the one Echo is selling. :)