Two Gold Badges for sale at face value...

markgugs said:
Is Jeff still representin' you guys?

nope. ProgPower is happening around the time my house is suppose to be finished and I need the cash.

Plus I want to buy my girl an engagement ring. That's why I'm not buying near as many CD's lately.
Sorry to hear that Adam, that does indeed suck. Mark , Pooch and Henry are still going and if I get one of these jobs I am trying to get I will try my ass to get there. Thanks for that e-mail again dude, it meant alot to me :rock:


NP: In Flames - Cloud Connected
How can this be a family reunion w/o the family? :erk: It saddens me that some of the greatest people won't be attending this year!! Bear, I'll be happy to donate to the "bear needs a ticket" fund so I can see you!! Adam, I wish I had money to fly you guys out as well. Unfortunately UTah has no lottery or I would be playing just for you.

It will just not feel right w/o any of you guys this year....we will think of you and raise our glasses in your honor....

At least Mark G. will be there to keep things exciting- I wish I had your energy (and your drinking stamina). You and Jason better not back out too!! I had a great time @ BW&BK- thanks!

- sheri
prog2112 said:
How can this be a family reunion w/o the family? :erk: It saddens me that some of the greatest people won't be attending this year!! Bear, I'll be happy to donate to the "bear needs a ticket" fund so I can see you!! Adam, I wish I had money to fly you guys out as well. Unfortunately UTah has no lottery or I would be playing just for you.

It will just not feel right w/o any of you guys this year....we will think of you and raise our glasses in your honor....

At least Mark G. will be there to keep things exciting- I wish I had your energy (and your drinking stamina). You and Jason better not back out too!! I had a great time @ BW&BK- thanks!

- sheri

There is an interesting story behind my decision which I plan to call you and relay to you in all its glory. My biggest regret is missing the chance to see my friends, Katagory V, perform live. I feel like I am letting the band down in some way. Rest assured the reason I am not going is for a very important reason that will have long term ramifications on my life and the life of my family.
Bear said:
Sorry to hear that Adam, that does indeed suck. Mark , Pooch and Henry are still going and if I get one of these jobs I am trying to get I will try my ass to get there. Thanks for that e-mail again dude, it meant alot to me !:rock:


Well, it's good that Pooch & Henry are still going, and I've got my fingers crossed for you with the jobs bro. And you're welcome again, I meant it, and so did a lot of people.
Sheri, you're welcome too! Anytime I can entertain over an entire weekend is my pleasure! Rest assured that Jason & I will be there with little tinkly bells on.

Adam, I hate to hear you sound so serious. I hope all is well (or will be) and whatever is going on improves most rapidly.
Thanks for the badges, Adam! My wife sent you the money order this afternoon. I am so grateful, and I will represent "your" badges with honor and true metal spirit. We just went to the BW & BK fest in Cleveland last weekend, and we discussed going to this one with our friends from Ion Vein. Now, we have that chance. This is such a great festival, and I haven't been able to attend the others, so this will be an excellent experience. I will not forget your generosity.

Thanks bro, and good luck to you and your family.

Brian Ash
steelreign said:
Thanks for the badges, Adam! My wife sent you the money order this afternoon. I am so grateful, and I will represent "your" badges with honor and true metal spirit. We just went to the BW & BK fest in Cleveland last weekend, and we discussed going to this one with our friends from Ion Vein. Now, we have that chance. This is such a great festival, and I haven't been able to attend the others, so this will be an excellent experience. I will not forget your generosity.

Thanks bro, and good luck to you and your family.

Brian Ash


I got the impression she was going to "surprise" you......

Have fun my friend and I will rest easier knowing the badges will be used by people that will enjoy the event....
I am really bummed out to hear BOTH you and Bear are not attending.... it's not going to be the same without you guys there to hang with. :yell:

I always thought you guys would be there... It's unfortunate life gets in the way sometimes :(

We will defaintly have to raise a drink to you guys, you both are definatly going to be missed by the Utah crew! We'll have to make up for it down the road somehow.... whatever it takes! :wave:

Hey Dust wassssssup!!! Well I got the job I was going for, I am going to be starting sometime this week we are just working out the logistics. If all goes well I will try my best to make it to PPUSA, I am sure I will know by the end of July if I can make it or not. Cheers

markgugs said:
Sheri, you're welcome too! Anytime I can entertain over an entire weekend is my pleasure! Rest assured that Jason & I will be there with little tinkly bells on.

HEY! I'll be there, but as for the little tinkly bells, speak for your....... well ........ EH, what the hell ........ little tinkly bells it is. hehe.
rhavin2112 said:
My wife and I cannot attend this years ProgPower. As a result I am selling my two Gold Badges. I am only asking what I paid for them, 125.00 per badge.

If you are interested please pm me here at UM or email me at

Here's to hoping my bad luck can be someone else's good luck....


what does the Gold Badge offer this year? Can I buy just one?

Stephen Ellis
Bear said:
Hey Dust wassssssup!!! Well I got the job I was going for, I am going to be starting sometime this week we are just working out the logistics. If all goes well I will try my best to make it to PPUSA, I am sure I will know by the end of July if I can make it or not. Cheers


BEAR!!! PLEASE BE THERE!! I am so bummed you won't be there....and
Adam and his wife too. It will not be the same without the "old" gang there. Bear, you can stay with me if you want :) Whatever I can do to help!! Can't wait to see the rest of you. Hey Mark, what are you going to call me this year?? hmmmm? You know what I mean!
Sheri & Dustin....I have my room confirmed for, I'll be there around 1pm or so. Can't wait to see you!!

Valkyrie said:
BEAR!!! PLEASE BE THERE!! I am so bummed you won't be there....and
Adam and his wife too. It will not be the same without the "old" gang there. Bear, you can stay with me if you want :) Whatever I can do to help!! Can't wait to see the rest of you. Hey Mark, what are you going to call me this year?? hmmmm? You know what I mean!
Sheri & Dustin....I have my room confirmed for, I'll be there around 1pm or so. Can't wait to see you!!


Shell, I'll call you anything you want! How about Bear takes my room and I'll shack up with you? *howls* :grin:
markgugs said:
Shell, I'll call you anything you want! How about Bear takes my room and I'll shack up with you? *howls* :grin:

WOOHOO!!! I feel a slumber party coming on!! Too bad I don't have the jacuzzi suite again this year ;) BTW, what day are you arriving? Just call me when you get in.
I just got back from BYH in Balingen, Germany...OH MY!! The stories to tell...the pictures to show. I am putting up a website, I'll let you know when it's done. I got to watch from the was amazing!!