Global Metal


God Of All Things Metal
The team who brought the world, Metal: A Headbanger's Journey documentary (the best documentary on metal IMO), is back at it! This time they offer to us "Global Metal".

Global Metal takes a look at metal around the world, and the affect its had on different cultures. Check out the trailer below!

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Hey, that was Kobi Farhi from Orphaned Land at the 1 minute mark :) :kickass:

They also show an old pick of X-Japan at some point too. I was on the official site and saw that they use Yoshiki, leader/drummer, as one of the commentators that speak throughout the documentary. I am really looking forward to seeing this, is there an official release date for it yet?
Yeah seeing that X-Japan pic got me really excited too.
I think the documentary is still in the works.

It is finished becase they have and are showing it at various film festivals; however, the only way to see it as of now is to be able to attend one of these festivals. I was just curious as to if there was an official release date for it coming out on DVD to the public audience?