Gloria Jean's Coffee


Jul 10, 2008
Saw the steak video on the positive things thread, and it reminded me of my trip down under earlier in the year...

My best mate from Oz, told me that while I was over there I had to drink a Voltage coffee... So when I rocked up in Sydney, I ordered the biggest one possible and added sweets and chocolate sprinkles to it.. I was buzzing for hours... Best coffee ever, wish they were over here in the UK.

Sorry just had to get that off my chest.

Someone told me that they are run by an evil empire of Christians with a bottomless pit of money...
we used to have a Gloria Jean's here in CT in the states, but they took it out of the mall - really used to love that coffee. However I am able to order the K-Cups for my Keurig brewer and they are pretty good as well.

By the way - one of the best inventions ever -
That keurig thing looks like the shit
i may have to get one

and also, gloria jean coffee isnt familiar to me
i really want to try david lynch's brand of coffee... hahahaha
"its all in the beans, and im just full o beans!"
bless 'im
Seriously, what happened to picking coffee for the taste and not the convenience? If you're not grinding your coffee shortly before brewing it, you're losing flavor and everything is completely ruined forever. Senseo, Keurig, whatever the fuck else you want - if you're roasting and grinding something so far in advance that there's time to package it, ship it, leave it boxed until the store has a free shelf, have it taken home days later by some poor bastard who doesn't know any better, and watch it sit in a pantry for several days before getting consumed, you don't get to call it 'fresh' *anything*.

On top of that, you're paying $100 for one of these contraptions. Would you like to know what else you can get for $100? A French press and a proper fucking burr grinder, that's what - all you need to do then is leave home once in a while to pick up another half-pound or pound of coffee from a local roaster and you'll have 'fresh roasted', 'fresh ground', 'fresh brewed', and all that other 'fresh' *anything else* that these wankers are trying to sell you because they think nobody knows what 'fresh' actually fucking means.

Unless you don't know how to boil your own water or push a damned red button on a black coffee grinder, the 'convenience' of these stupid contraptions is a total fucking *lie*. How hard is it to *not* be a total blathering idiot about making coffee? Unless every kettle of water requires a purification ritual, a vision from the gods of caffeine, and a ceremonial fucking kidney filtration, or you're deathly afraid of anything sharper than a goddamned tennis ball, you can - with no trouble at all - just as easily grind coffee, boil water, put coffee and water into the same container for a few minutes, and pour the coffee out for a good cup of coffee that doesn't have the wretched stink of over-marketed piss-poor coffee that's only around because nobody knows a goddamned thing about *anything*.

Fuck Senseo, fuck Keurig, and fuck anyone else that makes a living pretending that simple things are so inherently difficult that a ridiculously expensive contraption must be introduced, overpriced, and advertised through lies, deceit, and insulting the intelligence of every being that has ever thought about coffee.

I love a good coffee, but used to be totally addicted to it so I try not to drink it that much these days.

That was totally my steak video in that thread too! :lol: I am known by all my friends and family as 'the guy who eats insane amounts of red meat' and now I'm becoming known as that over the internet as well. :D I love it. :D

I could go a coffee right now. :erk:

EDIT: I loved reading Jeff's post. If anyone wants to see a similar rant, make a thread about how good a steak cooked 'well done' is, and I'll fire up. ;)

That is a DAMNNN fine cup of coffee!
every time i have drank coffee made of freshly ground beans my mouth has had a taste explosion, holy fuckz
gotta get me some o dat coffee grinder shit at home.
You spend more, save no time, and get worse coffee... much less pretentious than the abominations mentioned above, but there's still room for improvement.


How do I save no time? I can have a cup ready in a minute or less :D
The limiting factor is going to be the time taken to boil water, unless you happen to live on the sun - if the boiling only takes you a minute and the instant coffee takes almost no time, you can compete - but even then you'll save a minute or less. The press itself takes 2-4 minutes (depending on how strong you like your coffee) and once you've put the coffee and water in it's completely portable - and there are even thermal mugs that have plungers built in just for this. Considering the time it takes to actually drink a hot cup of coffee, perhaps you'll save time if you happen to make instant coffee like Gatling guns make holes - but even that is dubious, and the expense and quality arguments are untouched.

Further, a cup brewed from good beans in a French press gives more caffeine than a lot of instant coffees (which lose caffeine in processing), the press scales up much more elegantly, and... well, it's fucking French, so (unless you're worried about a kitchen device's military capability or funny accent) it's just going to win at coffee.

Hahahahahaha, I love how into these things you get Jeff :D Now then - I have exactly one cup of coffee in the morning, and if I'm going somewhere immediately I buy it on the road, so there's the portability thing. As for instant, I just put a tiny amount of water in the kettle, so yes, it can boil in under a minute (and more importantly, you'd have to boil it anyway to brew it ;)). Furthermore, I just don't really care? :D But maybe I'll start that whole routine eventually, though I definitely know that I'd be willing to fork out for a good coffee maker rather than a French Press; once I start working a 9-5 regularly, I definitely will want as much automated as possible!
Maybe you can get seriously into brewing coffee and make a "those little pleasures in life...thread number 2" and have stuff in there like "the sound of coffee beans grinding in my coffee grinder, etc.