GMD member slogans

zabu of nΩd

Free Insultation
Feb 9, 2007
ITT we come up with humorous or otherwise witty phrases that either sum up a forum-goer or reference something funny they've said in the past that has stuck to them. Try not to post anything that is completely generic or painfully obvious (i.e. "Krig: guns and shit") - I'd like to see some effort put into these.

Since WAIF's jab at BMWG in the bitching thread inspired this thread idea, I will start with him:

BlackMetalWhiteGuy: Destined for Greatness

DeathDelirium: Mothing.

Cythraul: How to Eat Fish and Not Be a Fucking Faggot

Dodens Grav: Fuck You, Fuck God, Fuck America

The Ozzman: Moar Liek The Ozzmeme, AMIRITEGUISE?!

Tom Brady: I Not a Troll ,Honest :lol:
DarkBliss: I'm a metal fan, though I don't like any metal bands.
Just not the ones you like, apparently. I told I only like syncopation-based stream consciousness flowing metal. Make of that description what you want.
This extends to rock also. Anything Magma-like with groove. Oh, my, God, I breathe groove.

If only someone could recommend some more aesthetically similar music. You know, understated rhythmic fluidity and catchiness. I'm completely enamored with this kind of approach in music.
Krigloch: I have strong feelings about gun control. If there's a gun around, I want to be controlling it.
Chimaira94: I only like core stuff, but still want to be cool. Can you tell that I'm 14?

I'm 15. 16 on Thursday. I've also found that I've been drifting further and further away from core bands and furhter towards real metal since I joined these forums. I still like the core though.