GNR Boards are buzzing with 54!


Mr. Nasty
Dec 16, 2001
The 7th Cornice
Just been looking around for more news on this Madagascar thing - it was reported on Blabbermouth last week sometime, and considering the amount of different GNR forums around...

Take a look though! GNR Fans worldwide now all know 54's name!

There's a fair few others - looks like Lakis was speaking to Sp1at too:

Seems a shame, though - but maybe after Chinese Democracy finally comes out (as if...) 54 can do something with a cover version...
beast :D Yeah ;tis good of the band to give Axl another 8 or so years to get this song out lol I wish Axl would get it together it's such a shame such a great frontman is hiding away and making these 'false promise' type things about the album being out here n there n it not coming out hmmm ah well He says its coz he wants it to be perfect and what not - songs I've heard seem pretty bloody good 2 me!
Absolutely loving it!

what amazing coverage ;)

Anyone thinkin 54 are likely to release it and risk a law suit are twats.

For gods sake - 54 have had people cover them in sound checks and probably record their own version of songs - but it doesnt mean they go and release it.

At the end of the day if Axl doesnt release an album for year on year but still plays tracks on it to massive audiences then its pretty much got his name stamped on it anyway.

I reckon the whole thing is fantastic :D and at least it spreads that there name of 54 ness ;) Accidental promotion :D