Goal Of The Week


Apr 17, 2001
Budapest, Magyarország
Don't forget to watch the World cup qualifiers' highlights on Eurosport! Oh my God! There is this guy, Attila Korsós, Hungarian striker, who scored such a WONDERFUL goal against Georgia, éfgjékgjéfdlgjkdfégjafdgékjafdgjdkfjgakdgaorriiriraiaiaaaaaaa!!!!!! Oh, not his first goal on this game (although that wasn't bad either) but the second... You have to see that.
Oh, did I mention that he is a striker of Videoton :D
Hungary-Georgia 4-1, btw. :)
(having no idea what are you talking about...) :rolleyes:

I only saw the last few minutes of it, because I was forced to celebrate my graduation that day. (saying hello to old ladies, drinking all alcoholic bewerages etc.)

How is Hungary doing? Are you going to the World Championships?
We are most definately not. Despite the ties we played against England and Germany, the rest of our tournament has been shit! We couldn´t even win Greece. But we did beat Albania, so whoohoo:rolleyes:
Hungary - Italy 2:2 (Horváth 2)
Lithuania - Hungary 1:6 (Fehér 3, Horváth, Lisztes, dunnowho)
Hungary - Lithuania 1:1 :mad: (Sebõk)
Romania - Hungary 2:0
Hungary - Georgia 4:1 (Korsós A. 2, Mátyus, Sebõk)

We had 3 great games (against Italy, Lithuania away and Georgia) and 2 awful horrible shit games... Because of that draw against Lithuania, it seems we have to beat Romania at home, Georgia and Italy away to qualify... Daaaaaaamn. :(
Originally posted by Evilho
Bunch of stupid gays at Eurosport :(
Anyway, if you come to Budapest in the summer I'll show you, i have it on video :)

I can't come my friend.I have to collect money.
I'll check Eurosport tomorrow again.
Maybe I'll have the chance too see it.
Oh good, I they'll show it tomorow! :)

Oh God, I went to the Újpest - Videoton game tonight... In March we have won 4-0 with 2 goals by our Brasilian wonder midfielder Julinho, and Németh and Cherniyenko. Now Újpest took the lead at the end of the first 15 minutes... in the 60th minute it was 4-0 to Újpest... But Hell, we didn't give up, in the 65th Szalai scored after a wonderful pass from Julinho; 4 minutes later Julinho scored himself and it's 4-2... :loco: Then we missed three 100% chances :( And, of course, Újpest got a penalty, 5-2. :( In the 93th Zombori shot a goal from 20 meters so we have lost the game 3-5 to Újpest :cry:

Oh btw, (JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!) that damned Urbán scored 3 goals :(

Next Wednesday Videoton - Debrecen in the Cup final!!!! :eek: