god damn earthquakes


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
There was an earthquake this morning, a 5.5 magnitude one about 60 miles away from me or so. Fucker woke me up, started clanging some glass and candle thingy together, trying to knock over my perfectly ordered CD rack. I never wake up during earthquakes, the last one when I did was like 10 years ago (which is like 4 million earthquakes ago) where a bunch of shit got ruined. Have you felt an earthquake? They are weird, I think they are caused by tree hugger molemen that live below the surface of the earth, when they smell too much carbon monoxide in the air they start turning the gears to shake up our shit.
I feel sorry for all you desert folk right next to the San Andreas fault.

Last noticeable earthquake we had (late 2003 I think) I figured was just my brother shaking the house by jumping up and down playing video ping-pong, so I yelled at him to stop.
Never felt an earthquake, I guess we live pretty safe over here. Worst thing that can happen is that a wind-blown tree smashes your car. Even that is pretty rare though.
While I was in New Zealand, my dad rang from back home one day after watching the news; he was worried because they'd said sth about an earthquake in NZ - I didn't feel a thing.
J. that's like the nicest thing you've ever said to me, thanks. :loco:

I guess since we're free from tornados and insane winters, California has to have some natural disaster to equalize the population. Something like that.

Whenever I've driven over the San Andreas Faultline on a freeway I say "hurry up dammit!!!" :tickled:

haha, yeah, don't let it go to your head. I think all this soulsearching I've been doing lately has made me nice or something.
@Snow2Fall's avatar: :tickled:

@NAD's picture of the faultline: :cool:

I spent one night in LA on the way back from our honeymoon in Fiji and Australia. One night we were there, and we felt an earthquake! Yeah, it woke us up - but then I wake up at the drop of a pin.
I did feel an earthquake once in Cologne, albeit a very tiny one, so that scarcely 2% of the town population felt anything according to surveys. It woke me up though, go figure... The Ruhr area is supposedly bound to face a huge shake sooner or later, no wonder with all this mining and stuff...
heh, i've felt an earthquake in ohio once of twice growing up but they're not very stong. if i remember correctly, there is a fault line somewheres in the middle of the country. is it the madrid fault line or something like that? '

anyway, the thing that irritates me is people who insist on living in places like florida (and east coast) and southern california. when the obligatory annual natural disaster strikes they immediately start demanding federal funds - which people in nowheresville, iowa get to pay for. florida is much worse than cali on this one. people, please pay for your *own* stupidity and arrogance. thanks.

ps: why do people always look so surprised when natural disasters strike?
haha, one of my favorite things to do right after a decent sized earthquake is to watch the local news because there's always some fucking dolt from 2000 miles away that calls in saying "oh yeah, I felt it too!" :tickled:
i've only felt a very slight one, in texas. an aftershock of a decent one in west tx.

a couple years ago there was one in virginia that we were supposed to have felt in maryland, but we were too busy shaking the bed to notice :loco:
I felt the same earthquake too yesterday. But over here (near Pasadena), it's a smooth rolling action.