god damn earthquakes

Damn, just had a pretty decent rumbler right now (felt pretty sizeable, news hasn't caught it yet), as I began to ponder standing up because it started to get a little big, I look outside my office and this big fat dude was doing the twist saying "yee haw!"

Yeah you can tell who has lived in California for-freakin-ever. :loco:
I think the only thing that'll cause a mass exodus is if the big one creates Arizona Bay, in which case everyone'll probably be dead anyhow.

Californians have an obscene love affair with living in California. Shit, I hate California, which means I still love it, just not a whole lot!
I wonder what's gonna happen when a mass exodus of california occurs.

California will rule once again because all the wimpy transplants who just came here for the nice weather will be trampled to death as they all try to run away from the scary earthquakes. :loco:

And dangit, I didn't feel a thing.
A few days ago there was a god damn tsunami warning for the whole freakin' west coast and I didn't hear about it until after it was cancelled WTF!

Stupid news shitz still haven't picked up this quake WTF!

WTF is my favorite acronym WTF!
5.3 mag. about 20 miles away from me, I guess that's why I felt it. Damn, that's the 3rd big one in California this week.

Well you're damn if you do and you're damned if you don't man.

If you move to Canada you'll be away from the quakes. But what if a mass exodus does occur? Then you'll have to decide whether to stay in Canada, or come back to the newly de-populated southern california area.

Man, nothing will make you feel more mortal than having the earth move from under you.
Yeah, except most Americans hate Canada. They'd move to Kansas (the country) before heading up north. :loco: If there was some mass exodus causing half the population to leave though, I'd probably stay forever.

An earthquake is something everyone should experience at least once. I don't want anyone to get hurt, but fuck me are they one weird trip.
One Inch Man said:
I really hope I wouldn't notice an earthquake during banging.

"Holy shit something moved!"
