God Dethroned - Ravenous


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
God Dethroned - Ravenous
Metal Blade - 2001
By Rodrigo


I have been pretty much disappointed with Death Metal releases so far this year. I was looking forward to Ravenous as the album that will cure my disappointment. Sure I have enjoyed the new ones by Children of Bodom, Soilwork and The Forsaken but these are not Death Metal bands in my book and therefore I had yet to hear a great Death Metal album this year. Well, after extensive listens with Ravenous I can safely say that not only did it definitely cure my disappointment but it has also ended up being one of my favorite releases of the year. God Dethroned has managed to come out with a new and exciting album and they have managed to keep the catchy but brutal sound intact.

The album is only 39 minutes long but nowhere does God Dethroned let up. From the scorching opening track "Swallow the Spikes", which features awesome tight and fast riffing by The Serpent King and Jens, to the final song, a superb and very faithful cover of Death’s "Evil Dead", Ravenous takes you on an intense head-banging ride. This album is not for the weak and songs like "The Crown for the Morbid" and "Villa Vampiria" definitely sell that point. Both feature some truly crushing guitars but at the same time God Dethroned can be very melodic without losing their intensity. "Villa Vampiria" features excellent powerful drumming courtesy of session drummer Tony. A great example of how catchy and melodic God Dethroned can play is the song "The Iconoclast Deathride". It is not as fast as the other songs in the album and it could also be said that it is simpler in terms of the music. The song uses an organ (at least I think it sounds like an organ) and background choir-type vocals that perfectly mold with the other instruments. The final two minutes of this song are instrumental with Jens providing an awesome melodic solo. "The Iconoclast Deathride" has managed to stay in my head and it is one of the best songs of the year. Another standout song is "The Mysteries that make you Bleed". The vocals and music in the chorus are excellent and in this song Jens and The Serpent King get a chance to trade-off guitar solos.

There is absolutely nothing weak about Ravenous. This is top-notch Death Metal that simply delivers on all levels. This is one of the best albums of the year and every Death Metal fan should grab it immediately. Enjoy and play it loud!