God's Equation

Rev. Clayton

The Singer
Sep 4, 2006
We started talking about it in another thread, but I figured I would make a new one for a review. And he we go...

I've spun God's Equation a few times now riding around this weekend, and I have to say I'm quite elated with it. I'm not going to break it down by song...because I never do that. However, "Hallo Spaceboy" is unlike anything I've ever heard from Pagan's Mind and it's good to hear them doing something different. Not that I was getting bored with their material, but it's nice to see them throw a song like this into the mix. It did take me a few listens of that song to get into it, as did the whole album, but I feel I've really started to grab the feeling of the album and I'm really enjoying it.

I agree that each song has it's own identity, which imo was not their strong point on the last albums. My favorites are the first three tracks (excluding the intro) but all the songs are really enjoyable. The only thing I wasn't really huge on was the return of Osiris...I don't believe that song lives up to the previous one, not that it's bad, but I assumed that it was going to blow my mind (being a sequel) and it's just a good last track for the album. As a whole though...I am very pleased with their work and they are quickly growing into one of my favorite bands to listen to.

I don't think this album lives up to Enigmatic Calling just based on sheer catchiness of the songs for me, but it's got a different vibe and will be the pagan's mind album I run to if I'm in that particular mood. It's a little bit more edgy...so I may reach for that one if I'm in that mindset.

Rating: B+
I pretty much feel as you do, although I think I was hooked from the beginning. Hallo Spaceboy is quite interesting, to say the least, but I dig it. I think I enjoy this more than Enigmatic Calling because overall it seems to be a more diverse offering.
Yeah. Like I stated in the other thread, I like how every track is kind of its own thing. I really think its my favorite PM album thus far. I have seen some reviews online that didn't give it a great score and preffered the last two albums over it. I just can't see why they think this way.

I really like Celestial Entrance, and even though I think Enigmatic:Calling is a decent album it just didn't hit me very well. I think it sounded too much like Celestial Entrance and got kind of stale to me. I like how they are not only trying new things on God's Equation, but most importantly they are experimenting with different keyboard sounds and creating a different mood/atmosphere than they have ever done before. The older albums all kind of had the same key sounds which gave me the same atmospheric attitude towards every song.

So far I cannot seem to get enough of track 3 "United Alliance", I just loooove the keyboard sound in it and the rythm section of the guitar fits perfectly with its melody.
I agree about the keyboard sounds and experimentation. Another thing I really like is the guitar tone. Killer.

I also think Nils is getting stronger with each new album. His voice sounds much more mature this time around.