going down...

I've seen the movie , not read the book though.

It's a graphic novel written by Alan Moore.

Very deep and twisted.

the film is just so shallow and Americanised -especially the whole freedom bullshit.

it's all about control verse personal choice (in the form of traditional anarchy) and what happens when people are repressed (personally and socially) and forced into actions they don't agree with but can't fathom the other opinions.

it's very commonly available in mainstream bookstores too.

and do yourselves a big favour and pick up the Watchmen graphical novel before you see the film (or after).
One of the great pieces of literary work ever!:rock::kickass:
I thought the film was a strange cross between 1984, Phantom of the Opera and The Count of Monte Cristo. Perhaps that was the idea. The big long melodramatic monologues got a bit much. Nice touch casting John Hurt as the evil overlord though. Children of Men was infinitely superior.
Children of Men was a great film; best chase scene ever. Has anyone read the book? I bought it at an op-shop last year and am yet to get around to it. I am familiar with the author to the extent only of having seen other adaptions of her work on the ABC.
I'm a bit hazy on that part, I recall the army being deployed, but not sure if that is the part you mean. I found the scenes in the cities to be the most frightening. All the steel cages etc. Will have to watch it again as soon as uni is finished.
The last 25 minutes of that film is some of the best cinema ever. The realism is jaw-dropping; the part where the blood splatters on the camera just made me go "...fuck".

I actually dear anyone to watch the last 25 minutes of Children of Men without a lump in their throat or near tears.

It's so incredibly moving.

I'm really kicking myself for missing it in the cinemas -because you need that epic scope to really see it.
I think it may be a little alarmist to read anything into the quick digression of a thread on the economy to the subject of films like V for Vendetta and Children of Men.