Going to attempt Match EQing


Jun 8, 2012
So I have Izotope EQ and I am going to try the match eqing since it seems to be highly recommended. I am aiming for the new BMTH sempiternal/ Hundredth Let Go tone. Any song recommendations with guitar parts to match? Thanks! I hate to be that guy and It's okay if it isnt cool but could anyone possible reamp a DI a make with say a jam 800 or 6505 and let me match eq that unprocessed for better results.
I really didnt like the guitar tone from sempiternal... guitar production was a lot more of a focus back on TIAHBMISITISHLKIAS (fucking album tittle) and suicide season. Sempiternal is still a great record but if you want to match eq wouldn't you go for the big guys? there's a couple songs on The Powerless Rise by AILD that have have only guitars in the intro and I think they used a peavey amp thrugh a mesa cab or some other tried classic. Anyway, those are my 2 cents, good luck.
Well I'll check them out but Sempiternal was actually mostly a jam 800 so I don't know If it will make a big difference or not.
Matching EQ is dangerous territory, you will probably spend a lot of time achieving nothing. EQ matching may help in the mastering stages as a reference. It isn't a bad tool to achieve a general direction. Don't forget these are different instruments, players, equipment, software and so forth
no no no, match eqing is not a good idea. Just have a general understanding of frequencies. (Ex:// Kick cutting around 200-300hz, guitar cutting honky-ness around 700-900 etc.....) Own your own style muh man, it's more gratifying