"Going to shows for Dummies"


Jul 12, 2005
Jersey Baby
Along the lines of Thraxx's post (common sense when stage diving), I thought it would be interesting to see what basic, common sense "rules" everyone has for going to shows.

Here's mine:

1. If you don't want to be in the pit, get the hell out of the way.

2. If you are in the front, its your responsibilty to help anyone crowd surfing to get over your head and to the bouncers. (My friend wouldn't listen to me at the Danzig show and she kept ducking trying to get out of the way and eventually someone kicked her in the head and face hit the guardrail. Ouch!)

3. Stay hydrated, especially at club shows. Those suckers get stuffy quickly.

4. Know your exits just in case you need to get the hell out of there fast. (Remember the Great White show? Did anyone see the video that the guy took of the people trapped in the doorway? Those pictures are forever burned in my brain. So, so sad.)

Don't drink\smoke too much and forget the show or worse yet NOT meet Mr Wu. :loco:

Check out all the hot chicks on display :heh:

If one of ladies feels you up go after her forget the band - I made this mistake once - sort of she got lost in the crowd :cry:

Avoid Sui and Skins playing together
If some fucker offers to lift you over his head, and he looks the worse for wear (especially if you're smashed) don't do it. I nearly missed the metallica show after being dropped on my head. Before I knew it the St. Johns Ambulance folks were tryin to get me into their little tent.

I managed to break free though so i was lucky enough.
1. Drink a shitload of beer before going into the venue, that way you won´t be completely bancrupt.
2. Drink a shitload of beer - that way you don´t feel too much pain if you get dropped on your head.
3. Drink a shitload of beer - Even the worst show is great if you´re extremely pissed!
4. Drink a shitload of beer.... :kickass: :headbang: :kickass:
eighteeschick said:
Along the lines of Thraxx's post (common sense when stage diving), I thought it would be interesting to see what basic, common sense "rules" everyone has for going to shows.

Here's mine:

1. If you don't want to be in the pit, get the hell out of the way.

2. If you are in the front, its your responsibilty to help anyone crowd surfing to get over your head and to the bouncers. (My friend wouldn't listen to me at the Danzig show and she kept ducking trying to get out of the way and eventually someone kicked her in the head and face hit the guardrail. Ouch!)

3. Stay hydrated, especially at club shows. Those suckers get stuffy quickly.

4. Know your exits just in case you need to get the hell out of there fast. (Remember the Great White show? Did anyone see the video that the guy took of the people trapped in the doorway? Those pictures are forever burned in my brain. So, so sad.)

5. If someone starts to fall, help pick them up instead of trampling them even more. Remember pit hospitality.

6. It's not a contest to intentionally try and hurt other people. That means no fists swinging wildly, pushing with your elbows, intentionally trying to knock or push people over, etc. The pit shouldn't just be for 6'4" 300 lb assholes.

7. What Miltbrand said about drinking a shitload of beer, as long as it doesn't impair your ability to follow rules 1-6.
1.NEVER wear the T shirt of the band your going to see..
2. If you stand on the edge of the pit and throw punches at the back of people heads don't be suprised when someone knocks out most of your teeth.
3. If youre to drunk, don't drive. Call a cab or sober up before getting on the road. Fifty dollars in cab fair is way better then the cost of a DUI.
prime666 said:
3. If youre to drunk, don't drive. Call a cab or sober up before getting on the road. Fifty dollars in cab fair is way better then the cost of a DUI.

Don´t worry bout the DUI. Round here atleast (Denmark) NOONE (I know of) can afford to buy loads of music and go to concerts every month and still have a car!!! :cry:

Hint: registration is about 180% of the price of the car!
remington69 said:
Good lord! And I thought the $78 for my yearly registration was high.

The day you buy a new car, you pay 180% extra in taxes + about 1.500$ a year (for an average driver) for the insurance. So it´s not unusual for a new hatckback or sedan, say a Toyota, to cost about 200.000 DKR = about 30.000$ fresh from from the dealership!!!

Then, if you want to have a motorcycle, you pay about 270% taxes! And it´s not unusual for a motorcycle insurance to cost about 3.000 - 4.000$ a year!

So the roads around are not swarming with Harley´s you know!

I've known too many of these guys to NOT add this rule in...

-Don't disrespect the opening band, especially if it's a local. They've busted their ass to get where they are; the least you could do is give them a fair shake!!!
1. Never stand in front of a HOT Chick ...."wink...wink"
2. Get your shirt early cause there gonna sell out of the one you want
3. dont be this guy... I had to get this pic it's CLassic ......Before Exodus went on at the Roadhouse in Sacramento ...... Priceless
Rules are subject to venue in my book seeing as a lot of places don't actually have a 'bouncer pit' between the stage and the crowd.

I try not to get drunk at gigs because I like to remember them. I went to see Megadeth in February and was pissed so I can't remember much of the gig. Mind you, it didn't help that I got a concussion: I was standing way outside the pit and someone ran and shoved me and, due to the fact that I was pretty pissed, I fell and hit my face on the ground. Must have been funny to witness but if I'd seen the guy who'd shoved me I would have kicked his ass.
If you're with your girlfriend and want to stand up close, don't try to be "human shield" around her all night. If she can't handle being up front, leave her in back.
Doctor X said:
If you're with your girlfriend and want to stand up close, don't try to be "human shield" around her all night. If she can't handle being up front, leave her in back.

I couldn't agree with you more. When my hubby tried to do that, it just irritated me plus I'm sure he wasn't able to enjoy the show like he wanted to. I told him next time he does his thing, I'll do mine and if we get separated, we'll just meet up later.