Going to War?


Feb 8, 2003
New York
I heard on the news today that we *could* be at war with Iraq within the next few days. This is because at the beginning of all of this, there was a statement made that we needed a certain number of troops to be posted in the area before war was a possibility. Apparently we have or will reach that number within the week. What's your gut... are we going to war or are we still preparing?
[warmonger]I sure hope we are. The economy blows right now and I can't sell when my clients are afraid to spend money. If I can't sell, I can't buy CDs or go to concerts. If I can't buy CDs or go to concerts, I'm grumpy. If I'm grumpy, ahh, you get the picture.[/warmonger]
LOL @ lizard's sig file image. That's some funny shit.

As for the war, my very good friend's brother (in the Navy) was just sent off to the Gulf as well. And a close friend of mine whom I work (in the Coast Guard) with has taken a temporary leave of absence, as he's been deployed to guard duty at an outpost somewhere over there...

Best wishes to anyone who knows someone who serves.
lizard said:
looks like its inevitable, Bush keeps changing the questions....

I've got a bud over there in kuwait right now....I'm getting a care package together, burning cds like crazy.

It's good to see someone else sees this as well.. and your friend is lucky to have a friend like you around. If you PM me an address I'd send 'em some cds too, it's the least I could do.
markgugs said:
LOL @ lizard's sig file image. That's some funny shit.

As for the war, my very good friend's brother (in the Navy) was just sent off to the Gulf as well. And a close friend of mine whom I work (in the Coast Guard) with has taken a temporary leave of absence, as he's been deployed to guard duty at an outpost somewhere over there...

Best wishes to anyone who knows someone who serves.

I wonder if these kids realize what they are serving (it's not our country)...

The President should be ashamed of himself! I hate to suggest it and I hope the feds don't bust down my door for uttering it, but the only way to make Bush come to his senses or lack thereof, is by force.

He should be exiled.
I've already got a network going for my bud amongst our college board pals....but here's an excellent site: http://operationmilitarypride.org/packages.html

sure, it's not the service member's fault they're ordered over there, but since they are, I know they're going to kick major Saddam ass.

my friend says send all the condoms you can, the camels are starting to look good :)
lizard said:
my friend says send all the condoms you can, the camels are starting to look good :)

heh, that's what they said about the mountain goats in Afghanistan too. Reminds me of that Rob Schneider flick, "The Animal".
Getting somewhat back to topic on this, was there any actual truth to what CNN, FoxNews, Reuters, etc all reported the other day?

About officials capturing the "3rd-ranking official from Al-Qaeda" and the dude who "financed the WTC attack" in Pakistan? Does this mean anything, or are there simply the next fanatic in line to replace them. Someone, please educate me.
markgugs said:
About officials capturing the "3rd-ranking official from Al-Qaeda" and the dude who "financed the WTC attack" in Pakistan? Does this mean anything, or are there simply the next fanatic in line to replace them. Someone, please educate me.

I thought I heard about two different things. The guy they arrested in Pakistan was supposed to be only one or two below UBL. I also heard about some charges against some cleric in Yemen and that he raised millions and millions of dollars to support Al Qaeda. I don't know about another fanatic waiting in the wings to replace either one. I'm sure there's not really any shortage of fanatics to support the cause, but hopefully they won't have the financial resources to really make a difference.
Well, that's the part that frightens me actually. Does it really matter if they get some huge financial backer?

Isn't Osama himself like a quadrillionaire? Those fuckers have more money than many small nations.
keeping in mind that the government is controlling what is released and perhaps more important, NOT released...yes this guy is important, and supposedly, he's spilling his guts and has revealed that Osama is indeed alive, and that there are more terrorists in the US.

this is interesting. is the govt. saying this because they want to spook the bad guys into moving to new safe houses or whatever, hurridly, where they may make a mistake and get noticed/arrested? is this guy saying there are other terrorists here just to get our panties in a bunch? or have we got his balls wired to a car battery and it's the truth?

footnote one: Bush is going on prime time tonight. what will be his big msg?

footnote two: John Walker "American Taliban" Lindh got his ass kicked in prison...and I'll bet his sphincter has also been widened considerably. Just cause guys are in prison doesn't mean they're not patriots...
here's his pic. sure looks like they rousted him out of bed, don't it! and yes I know it's creepy, but note the hirsute nature of his back...a real monkeyman.
lizard said:
footnote two: John Walker "American Taliban" Lindh got his ass kicked in prison...and I'll bet his sphincter has also been widened considerably. Just cause guys are in prison doesn't mean they're not patriots...

I heard this morning that his lawyers requested that he be placed into general population in prison. Wonder why. Also that some group (can't remember the name) was protecting him, but they decided he wasn't a radical dissident and so they are no longer protecting him.
lizard said:
keeping in mind that the government is controlling what is released and perhaps more important, NOT released...yes this guy is important, and supposedly, he's spilling his guts and has revealed that Osama is indeed alive, and that there are more terrorists in the US.

I can't believe anyone would not think that there are existing terrorist cells already in the USA. Indeed, they've probably been here for years, laying low. Regardless of the intentions of this pendintg war, I fear for a huge backlash. The whole thing could become circular, and I do not want to see New York turning into the Gaza Strip.

John Walker "American Taliban" Lindh got his ass kicked in prison...and I'll bet his sphincter has also been widened considerably. Just cause guys are in prison doesn't mean they're not patriots...

Yes, just because you're in prison for robbing a 7-11 does not make you anti-american.

But John Walker Lindh is a classic example of how not all terrorsits need to look like Arabs. I know I made this point before elsewhere, but a terrorist can look like anyone. Sure - Arabs are the first to be suspected, but that's what racial profiling is all about.

From my experience, however, I have noticed throughout my life that it is the 'converts' that become more radical than those who are born into a religion. This applies to any religion I'm sure.
lizard said:
keeping in mind that the government is controlling what is released and perhaps more important, NOT released...

It's so interesting to hear the difference in the news we get here vs. other countries. Even when we just go to London for a visit, the news about the US is so different that whatever we heard here just before getting on the plane.
The guy they arrested at 3 in the morning is indeed claiming responsibility for masterminding 9/11...

And as far as these guys being rich.. look who pays them!! Our "friends" in Saudi Arabia..

and who needs to be reminded that at one point in history, we helped fund Bin Laden when he was at war with the Soviets in Afghanistan?
Where does the resentment begin? Why not take a look at what our government did to that region by helping promote war, and when the time came to rebuild, turning ships homeward?

It sickens me when I hear Bush on tv boasting about bringing the first world war of the 21st century... These stickers I see of Bin Laden on people's cars that say "Coward," I wish i could get one of Bush that says the same thing.