"Support Our Troops" - is this an automatic requirement?

You know Nicodemix, if that fat chick wants to pay for me to go to France, I would gladly relocate.

I sort of follow J's line of thinking; Its sad the guys are over there and I feel sorry for them, but I also think they are idiots for signing up for military service. Of course alot of them have little choice. We've turned into the old British Empire--all the poor kids have nowhere else to go, and the Blacks and hillbilly kids are like our Scots and Irish.
Fuck the troops, fuck the war. I have family over there, who fucking cares.

"I don't understand why these people are attacking us, all we want to do is help."

Oh and to clarify, anyone drafted gets my full support in whatever it is they are forced to do, or if they bail to Canada or something. Anyone voluntarily joining the military and now crying about it, you signed the dotted line dude.

I don't like to see anyone killed or any family suffer a loss, but that goes for both sides of the war.
I'm curious... if the US military turned against the US civilians and a bitter civil war broke out, would you still have to support the troops?
Speed nailed it pretty nicely–there's people who join the military cause they don't really have any other option, and those people have my full support. Hell, I extend my support to those people who think that they're out there fighting for freedom and democracy and Jeebus and all that shit. However, my support mainly consists of GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE AND STOP SHOOTING AND GETTING SHOT AT! CRAZY ARABS WILL FUCK YOU UP!
Décadent said:
I'm curious... if the US military turned against the US civilians and a bitter civil war broke out, would you still have to support the troops?

Aye, there's the rub :err:
JayKeeley said:
You've never sounded so English! Seriously man, go live in London for a year. :tickled:
I've never used that word before, I'm glad it worked properly! :kickass:
Pyrus said:
It's just that English swearing is way cooler than lame and boring American swearing.
American swearing is just flat out offensive, which okay, but it's extremely vulgar and crude. British swearing/insulting usually sounds silly and if you aren't accustomed to it you just laugh it off and walk away. Then 10 minutes later you realize what that dude said about your mother and you want to kill him, but he's long since buggered off.
if you're going to make the Army a career, you may be a bit nervous but you pray for a war, because that's when you score your CIB (Combat Infantryman Badge).

in fact, rear echelon types usually try to get choppered up to the front for a few hours or a day or two just to get it. when you see a general on CNN they'll almost always have at least this.