gojira and logan mader

I can admit I personally usually lean towards the cleaner side but there's something to be said about a real organic, unique production which was Laurent's approach for that album, along with the same bombastic sound he gets fr them live as FOH. I find a lot of modern production clean in other ways that I'm not quite on board with. It's sort of a laundry list: drum samples, hyper quantized editing, general sound replacements, etc.
Totally dig his work on the first Divine Heresy album, was like a punch to the stomach. Second Divine Heresy album? Fuck no. I don't know what happened there but it was all nasal mids and clicky shit!
Gojira.... Gojira.. ahh how beautiful they are! They are one of few amazing things that have contributed to metal in modern times. To break away from all the metalcore crap shit is big of an accomplishment alone, but apart from that also coming up with your OWN unique style and sound - not easy to do. These guys are so amazing I'd dare saying their recordings would sound pretty decent even if recorded by a 14 year old kid with Audacity and a computer mic. :>

Fucking hail to Gojira and whales flying in the sky... and PLASTIC BAGS IN THE SEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Haha, I hate the band so much it's almost hard to reconcile with listening to this record, which sounds great for the type of production it is. I think that's truly transcendent production, much as All the Right Reasons entices me to listen to the abysmal Nickelback.
Haha, I hate the band so much it's almost hard to reconcile with listening to this record, which sounds great for the type of production it is. I think that's truly transcendent production, much as All the Right Reasons entices me to listen to the abysmal Nickelback.

This is going to be an off topic tangent question, but I gotta ask Ermz, what kind of music do you actually like?:lol: I vaguely gathered you like ambient stuff, but aside from that, I'm not sure what you like about music. Unless your too bogged down with recording to really sit back and listen to anything.
I'm absurdly curious about why you hate the band Ermin. Hating the music is ok I guess (even though I will religiously call you a heretic for it for the rest of my life), but what did the band do to piss you off into hating them? Did they become sell-out posers? Did they change their music into crabcore after their success? Did they resort to auto-tune in hopes of catching the audience of today's youth? Are they greedy fanatics who want to drill this planet empty and make people ill? Tell me :)
Trust me, any answer to those questions will derail the thread beyond all hope of salvation!

Let's just stick to the album sounding great, and people posting about more Logan productions. I'm learning about a lot of his prior works I've never heard before, so that's been great.
Trust me, any answer to those questions will derail the thread beyond all hope of salvation!

Let's just stick to the album sounding great, and people posting about more Logan productions. I'm learning about a lot of his prior works I've never heard before, so that's been great.

Totally understandable. May you enjoy whatever it is that you enjoy.
^ I gotta say, those times were actually really fun times haha. (sorry for contributing to the derailing of this thread)