Gold badge for Sale (+ hotel room if necessary @ Granada Suite)

May 7, 2002
Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond my control I will be unable to attend ProgPower III. I have a gold badge for sale. It will get 1 person in both nights (+ 1 hour before general admission so that you can purchase all the cd's/t-shirts at your leisure).
The sale is for this festival only. Not future events..

I'm not looking to gouge people. Any reasonable offer (I'm a very reasonable person) will be accepted.

Also.. if you need a good hotel. The Granada Suites is the closest hotel to the venue and is really nice.

There are 2 ways of doing it...

1) Pay me for the rate that I have set (which including tax is $101.46 per night or $202.92 for both nights that includes tax). The person taking over the room would be responsible for any incidental charges (the rate I got was $89/night, but with tax it comes up to $101.46).

2)transfer the reservation into the winners name. Though I can't guarantee the rate. (it could be $89 or it could be higher).

The choice is up to whoever gets the badge. At least if someone needs a hotel room there is one very close to the venue available.

I won't cancel my reservation until after the ticket has been purchased. That way if you need a room for the weekend you should probably be able to take mine.
Note!!!! Please email me offers here:
(just copy and paste the addy).


this really sucks....