Golden Ages

"Hindsight, as they say, is 20/20. As neal said, don't worry about what the fuck OTHER people think, "making something of yourself" is. That is for you ALONE to decide."
Yes, but I am saying that if you wish to survive in this world then you have to "make something of yourself" by getting a job, maybe one you don't want, and a house. There is no other real way to survive in the world anymore since most of the world is filled with large buildings and stupid people.
Then, THAT is your decision. I choose not to conform, and I may have some tough times now & again, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. If I end up penniless in the gutter, then that will be my decision. So far, I haven't gone that far! :lol: Close a few times, but not yet.
If I work an "acceptable" job, that is what I choose, & not what someone else decided for me. Being a slacker wouldn't work for me anyway, I'd get bored too quick.

Yeah, I would love to be a teacher. Hope it works out that way. Or maybe an astronomer. I would like to have these jobs, but, if I could just live without money, I wouldn't want these jobs. That is all I am saying. It's not that I want all the money possible or to be as powerful as possible, it's just that I have to have a job to survive. I wish not to conform, just to have enough money to survive.
Do what you enjoy, or else the money is meaningless. The more you make, the more you spend anyways.

So, what you're saying is you'd sit around all day, & do NOTHING if you didn't need money? :lol: Sounds fucking boring to me.

Here's a pic for your astronomy side.

Ghost Head Nebula

And, consider teaching, only if you want to actually TEACH, not just boss a bunch of kids around. Good HS history teachers are in extremely short supply.

I really would like to teach, not boss around kids, but not history. I would prefer science or english. And I do what I enjoy, it's just if I had different options, I might enjoy something different. And I'm not saying I would sit around and do nothing, I would probably travel the world and explore nature with a walking stick.