Golden Dawn – Masquerade


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Golden Dawn – Masquerade
Napalm Records – 24th February 2003
By Russell Garwood

Golden Dawn are an interesting experimental metal band; originally beginning life as a one man black metal project, the group has now expanded to a quartet. The guitars of Sebastian Reiter and Karim Kienzle are well-performed, using both acoustics and distortion to create contrast, while always displaying considerable melody. Vocals courtesy of Stefan Traunmüller vary between slightly raw singing and growling, using each to great effect, while his keyboards ring of both classical music and more modern electronics. Moritz Neuner’s drums are solid but can lack power – not a problem in what is a highly polished sound.

Collectively these four play a melodic mixture of black, gothic and power metal, which is energetic, ever-changing and well-written. Mediaeval melodies - often played with distinctly modern synths and drums - are unusual and effective, making for an original and memorable sound, and regular non-metal sections/instrumentals provide interesting listening. "Masquerade", an unusual release, will appeal to many fans of symphonic, epic and experimental metal.