Finnugor – Death Before Dawn


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Finnugor – Death Before Dawn
Adipocere Records – CDAR74 – 2003
By Russell Garwood

Finnugor are a black metal duo, consisting of Gabriel Wolf ( Ywolf ) and Nikolai Stalhammer. Bringing bombastic symphonics similar to Ywolf, Gabriel helps create a symphonic black metal sound, with slightly muddy production and dramatic undertones. His vocals are a archetypal witch scream alongside occasional Attila Csihar style gurgling, while the ex-Mayhem contributor himself makes a guest appearance on one track. Sporadic female singing is performed by Domina Mystico and adds welcome atmosphere, as do the synths of both members. These are generally simple but ambient, and occasional more complex melodies display baroque influences. My only complaint would be their lack of integration and the abrupt switches from metal to orchestration. The mixture of growls and lone symphonics is interesting, while spoken sections ring of Cradle Of Filth. The (slightly tinny) guitars are melodic and often well performed, but sometimes lack power and originality, while the bass is almost inaudible. The drums are either heavily triggered or programmed (the latter seems likely), and reasonably varied, complementing the music irrespective of feel.

“Death Before Dawn” itself is a concept album, documenting the transformation of a musician into and evil magician, and the lyrics are excellent considering the fact that neither members’ native language is English. Sporadic slower sections and instrumentals are a welcome contrast, and make for an agreeable listening experience. While Finnugor are nothing out of the ordinary, symphonic black metal fans may want to check them out.