good artwork...


Eats and spits corpses...
Sep 2, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Visit site not just good artwork. good artwork fits to the music and makes it an entity. the terria artwork was, seen is this way, perfect. artwork also can carry emotions and give a cd a certain feeling. if you listen to a cd with good artwork and you'll hear that tune again you'll always remember the artwork.

i love listening to the music and watching the artwork...i could do that for hours! for some cds, like DREAMING NEON BLACK, the artwork is not just an add-in or a goodie, it's part of the piece of art itself!


(-made that sense?-)
You're completely right Narrot. Good artwork illustrates the music. In my case, sometimes when I hear music I get flashes of the artwork in my mind. And other way round, sometimes seeing only the artwork almost makes me hear the music.