Hey, at least you have CCC once you get about 40 minutes away from Hartford. Though they kind of suck since the only pop rock/punk station was reformatted to the 6th r&b station in the city. Started playing more stuff like that to cater those people to gain them as listeners. Only benefit still is that they aren't a clearchannel station.

uke: CCC

CCC rules if you like "live" versions of Pearl Jam covering Van Halen. Or Creed.
The DJ's there have the BIGGEST ego's I've ever encoutered in ANY radio market anywhere. They think because they had Howard Stern they now rule the world. The morning guy is some overweight 50 year old guy who constantly makes deragatory remarks towards women. Most of the time I think it's funny... but not with him. I don't think it's funny to call into the place where you have a membership to work out and ask if your trainer's breasts are still there. No, I don't want to contribute $5 to your "sports guy" so when you get to Las Vegas he can have sex with a prostitute. No I don't think it's funny to talk about it every morning on the airwaves. I think any man that has to pay for sex is disgusting under almost any cirucmstances.... and I think guys that condone it are just as slimy. It was funny when Howard did it mostly because he was *mostly* joking and back then it was cutting edge.
The evening DJ is just as bad. He's got an ego because he gets afternoon drive time. Then they spend at least 30-45 minutes (at rush hour) telling you every little thing that's happening in the state. I could care less what shitty coverband is playing 2 hours from me... even if they do have beer pong. I've been listening to people talk all day long, if I wanted to hear mindless rambling I would have stayed at work.
Actually almost any DJ in this area has the "Big fish in a little pond" mentality... but they don't realize that they are in a tiny market. Guarenteed if they went to any other market they'd be off the air in a heart beat. No one outside this 50 mile radius has any clue who they are, yet they assume that the world belongs to them.
Their *best* prize was a chance to see KoRn live. Whooo hooo. Nowdays, you couldn't pay me to see them. Let alone go for free? Ick.
I'd actually like it to go to clear channel so they can get rid of these assholes. Yes, I said it. I'll stop now before I go on even longer about what a shit channel CCC is.
I'm so happy that I don't have to listen to any of that crap! VIVA ipods!