Good enough for a release?


Mar 29, 2009
Hey Guys. Was hoping to get some of your opinions on this matter.

My band is tracking its EP most likely this november. Were gonna find a studio and rent it, track all the vox and drums there and then also reamp our guitars there. Since me and the other guitarist of the band both know all about recording we figured it would be the best way to make the most of our budget and get the best sound.

Heres my issue: Tracking DIs.

I was going to track all of the DIs with just my ESP400 -> monster cable -> digimax LT preamp. After all, the preamp does have a hi-z input...Do you think the DIs recorded like this will be good enough to reamp at a large studio and be transparent?

Keep in mind we are going to be getting this CD on iTunes and (hopefully) in stores. Its going to be a very pro release.
Ok sorry about the noob interruption here on the thread but what exactly is high Z input, when i search it on google i just get a lot of preamps to buy...