Good enough for reamping??

Why not actually provide the left and right DI tracks so people can reamp quickly with amp sims to get a better idea of how they'll work?
Hee Hee, you have not exported the Left track correctly !!!
You have exported the left and right tracks together so it sounds all phasey and wierd.

But to answer your question, yes I can tell from the weird track that you posted that those
DI's will reamp just fine.

But for goodness sake, export the left and right separately.

Or is that supposed to be quad tracked ?
Because if it is supposed to be quad tracked then it sounds weird to me.
hmm... this is not even a exported, this is just a clip taken from the audio folder of the recording. There isnt even a right track recorded yet, simple cause i need to know first if the DI signal is useable for reamping. If it isnt to noisy, to dark or to bright or whatever.
The DI signal quality is good ( its not noisy or too dark or anything )
but I can hear something that sounds like a slightly delayed second take which is why I thought it might be quad tracked. If the clip you posted is just a single take then ignore my first post.