Good freeware VST ampsim?

Check out the simulanalog guitarsuite. It is, in my opinion, one of the best amp-sims out there, freeware or not.
+1 for Simulanalog and BTE Audio sims
Revalver mk2 no noise demo:
(uploaded legally) said:
Evaluation versions
You may make as many copies of the evaluation versions as you wish. You may also distribute them freely. You may not charge anyone for distributing the evaluation copy. The Evaluation copy must be in its original untouched form. No part of the program or documentation may be changed.
Thanks guys. This was for a quick reamp job where the dude's direct box died out. (A Whirlwind, in case you were wondering) With no way to split his signal, we had to think of something fast. He was very happy with the Simulanalog JCM900.