AcmeBarGig Aftershock Delay Freeware


May 11, 2009
Hi Guys, thanks for the great community you all make up. As you may or may not know. Every Saturday we rel;ease a new freeware VST effect. This week it is the Aftershock Delay...

Get it here..

Wow looks cool, I'll give it a try later on. Thanks for all your stuff man!

But let me get something straight, you are putting a lot of time, money and effort to develop these plugins and they look and sound great and we really appreciate it. But where are your profits in all of this?
Wow looks cool, I'll give it a try later on. Thanks for all your stuff man!

But let me get something straight, you are putting a lot of time, money and effort to develop these plugins and they look and sound great and we really appreciate it. But where are your profits in all of this?

Right now, nonexistent, we are putting a lot of time and effort, but not much money, so we're not effectively losing money, we're just not making it, we have plenty of ideas, some of which are further along in development than others, but it won't come at a loss of integrity, a little bit of history - we were, at first, going to be selling VSTs, and keep DIG and BIG free to attract users to our site and release affordable, high quality VST plugins that would appeal to the DIG and BIG users, in the end we decided that selling VSTs was not the best option, we thought we wouldn't make a penny, and I'm sure Ken won't mind me saying, we came VERY close to shutting down and giving up, so we thought, we've got these products we were gonna sell, we've got a site up, we can't just let them both rot, it's a COMPLETE waste of our time and effort, so why not just carry on working on the stuff, just not as intensive as we were (Ken was putting in 20+ hour stints on the VSTs and I was on 10-15hrs site coding a day) - get the products finished, and just give them away, if we're not going to make any money selling our effects, then there is NO point letting them sit and rot, 90% completed and completely unavailable for anyone to use, so give them away, let's see if there's other routes we can take to making money, so far, we haven't made a penny, but we haven't spent anything, of course our time isn't worth nothing, and if we were doing this for a company, I can only speculate what Ken would have earned, but I'd have made around £2-3,000 for this site build, but we're not throwing money into the company, I've got the hosting, domain and bandwidth for free because I work freelance for a guy who owns his own hosting company, we already have the required software and hardware, because what we're doing here is what we do professionally as well, so it's only costing us a lot of time and effort, and right now, it's worth it just to know people are enjoying the products we nearly abandoned.

In the future, when it comes to us needing to make more effects from scratch, who knows what we'll do, whether we'll carry on making them for free, whether we'll readdress the potentiality of making money from commercial, affordable VSTs, or whether we pursue other avenues of possible income, or whether we'll just continue to make them because we love bringing these out, testing them, making them better and hearing what others can do with them, we DO want this to be successful and make money somehow, but right now, we're not 100% sure where we're taking this, we just know that we don't want our products stagnating and left in the dark just because we can't make a few bucks from them.
That's an awesome mentality Scott. I reckon most companies would just do and think the opposite of you. Like "Fuck it, we've spent a lot of our time on this and it's not going well... let's not let anyone else get anything out of this either!".

As I've said already, I'll be getting back into music this summer, and the first thing I'll do is run a huge test of every newly released freeware plugin. I'm already pretty sure I will like your plugins and I would not mind paying for them in the future if you guys keep spitting out good plugins!

I think you have come a long way because you have a design that is somewhat coherent through your plugins, although it can maybe become a bit more streamlined but it's definately come a long way. Your plugins are also very useful so far, I haven't seen anything I really don't want to have in my arsenal. I LOVE the way you handle EQs with the points having tangents which you can drag in order to change the Q value, instead of cranking a knob as on most plugins.

I don't think you guys really need awesome new refreshing ideas to make money either, you could simply make really neat bread 'n butter effects like a dedicated EQ, Comp/Gate/Limiter, Multiband Comp, DeEsser, etc plugin, and just sell them at a affordable price, granted they are able to compete with other commercial products that is. That's something I like about Stillwell plugins, they are quite cheap and I keep hearing good things about them, but one thing most companies lack is some sort of incentive for buying more and more plugins. Since you guys seem to be able to develop plugins rapidly and releasing them often, I reckon you will have a huge number of different plugins over the course of time. If every plugin is for sale separately, you could make a system where the user gets a % discount for every plugin he already owns, so that the more they invest in your company, the easier it'll get for them in the future as well.

I dunno, just throwing out some random ideas and compliments to you guys :)

In any case, no matter what you choose to do, you guys rock!
Well Put Scott, as always. Thanks Gojira... Thats exactly it, we're ok for the time being, we'll keep doing what we're doing. I really want to try and "Raise the bar" for what is available for free.

ABG Funding
Our prices will always reflect the nature of our company. Everyone is a volunteer, from Scott to the guys that created the pickup IR's for RedShift. So, I know selling our effects and amps is not really what anyone here wants to do, but we will at some point have to. Doesn't mean we will stop giving out the free stuff, that will continue, and Every Saturday is a little brighter for me knowing that our software is being used and checked out, critiqued, etc. I can speak for everyone at ABG we are really happy that life has given us this great opportunity to do this for people.

I put a price cap in place months ago that stated our software will not be over $50.00 US. I came up with that price based on what people had said in many forums. So that seemed to be a relatively painless amount for everyone. Obviously depending on what it is.. $50.00 US is for the most complex of all our software Guts. But the price we were going to charge for Aftershock was $14.99 US.

The nice thing about our free ware approach is that users have an opportunity to know what we're all about and know roughly what they are getting.

On to some good news...
DIG 2.5 Cabinet shaper went into beta yesterday and although we have some work to do, it seems to be working OK..There is a full description at our website forum..
Here's a screenshot.

Anyways, thanks for your interest,