ABG Aftershock fixes version 1.06 PC(VST) Public Beta


May 11, 2009

Hey Guys, as I have been promising for the past 9 trillion years, I will be doing all the fixes to our existing released Plugins. The above represents the Fixes to the Aftershock delay that were requested. There is no additional features added, so if you have asked for additional features, that will only come out in the upgrade. Meaning version 2. There is however now a means for you to adjust the input into the delay so that you can tell when it is clipping. That was the biggest problem with the previous version..

Here are the enhancements/fixes
- Loading time
- Lower CPU Usage
- Better Graphics
- New ASM Delay code.
-Adjustable input level with indicator

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/923791/Aftershock 1.06.rar

Let me know if you have come across bugs, the next release will completely deal with them and add additional presets.

Also I forgot to mention, be ready for a flurry of new public betas and new freeware effects. I will be releasing as public betas all the effects that are in the G-SPOT rack. This will not be a once a week type of thing, I don't have time for that, we needed to release these yesterday...I am over a month behind!
