Anssi Tenhunen
Fix the typos (equilaizer -> equalizer or EQ) and add some labels what those extra two fields areas are... it is a bit confusing atm...
I don't know what the other guys think, but in my opinion that just has too many knobs. It really makes it counter-productive because first you have learn to use it and focus on the tweaking instead of just putting it on and "making your music". When you do the ghettobass the "normal way", it is just the pitch shift octave down and a lowpass filter to remove the +8khz digital shit.
I would personally just prefer just minimum amount of knobs visible, maybe a box that tells you what the ghetto bass really is and what this thing does (kinda like embedded readme-file) and then a "advanced" panel that shows all the hidden settings that we see here. So the buttons would be like OCTAVER (on/off), CHORUS (on/off), VOLUME, ADVANCED and displays that show the values of the knobs
Something along these lines (edit: those mix knobs aren't even nessecary as I think of it, it could be the knob below):
edit2: and actually the stereo octaver isn't needed either because bass is should always be mono. Guitar is a totally different thing.

Sometimes supertweakability isn't just the thing. Think if the ibanez tubescreamer had 24 knobs like that one does! It would definately sound superb, but I really think that the 3 knobs it has is really sufficient as it has now.