How about some MIDI effects or is that outside of ABG's interest?
Maybe some cool MIDI tool that would help when writing songs... it could contain a lot of chords and variations, arpeggiator which can arpeggiate through the chosen chord, and stuff like that. I know there are a few MIDI effects like these but I've never seen a free one.
I was gonna propose a sampler too but ShortCircuit2 probably is good enough and it's free so there's no need to do that all over again.
If it comes down to amp sims again, I'm REALLY interested in a tight distortion modeler, similiar to the ENGL e-570 preamp and stuff like that. I just love how tight the distortion on those are and I have no idea why they are tighter than other brands... it would kick ass to understand the theory/physics that makes it tight like that. The reason for my interest in tight distortion is that I currently play with a pretty low tuning, namely A#, and I just feel it would suit me much better with something really tight.
Another idea is a plugin that I have never seen anywhere before... maybe because it's simply stupid but here goes

A plugin that can take a duplicate of a track, for example a guitar track, then modify it so it becomes very close to an actually double tracked track. This would probably be achieved by moving very small slices of the audio back and forth while altering the volume and maybe pitch very slightly and so on, to mimic the changes that occur while double tracking something. Yeah, I'm aware of the issue some people have with this type of effects, namely the "do you want the plugin to play guitar for you too?"-issue, but come on... if it works, it would be quite awesome

I would personally use it more on other stuff than guitars probably, and to simply duplicate and shift a track in time is a bit too static for a "fake double track".
I apologize ahead in time for not making sense... I'm kinda tired right now and just spewing out some words