An update about AcmeBarGig Gestalt


May 11, 2009
Gestalt has been renamed to Head Case
Gestalt is a multi-amp guitar software that contains 8-10 heads, 8-10 Stomps, 8-10 FX racks, Pickup Replacer and cabinets. Basically everything you need to get a great guitar sound. It is primarily for use as a live rig, but will also come in the form of a VST effect. We have held nothing back from Head case in regards to sound quality, everything is completely processed, unlike other multi-amp units that might not process sound fully, Head Case does not employ any skips or hops of samples. This comes at a price however, it is higher on CPU usage than some of the others. But it is meant to be used in an environment where it is the only software running at the time. Like in a live situation. All components of Head case will also be available as separate VST plugin. This way you can use the separated VST plugins to record your tracks, then use Head case to play them live, guaranteeing that from your amp at least, you'll have the identical recorded sound.

Head case will come in at least 2 versions, One for Metal and one for Classic amp sounds. The first release of Head case will likely be the Classic Head Case. Each of the heads in this series called the Preampus Classic Hybrid Series, are made up of components of classic amps all the way back to the very start of Electric guitar. So what we did was came up with a list of great amps and then found out what made them great. We then took those components and put them together into their own amp. The result was really quite astounding, everything from heavy screaming sounds to classic beautiful tone. A little more research on our part yielded even more understanding on how the great guitarists of yesteryear obtained their sound. We found a little know device called A Dallas Range Master. This device is virtually responsible for defining what we know as the classic rock sound. Almost everyone guitarist of the period used one. So, we built one and made it standard in every classic Hybrid head.

Here is what you can expect to see from the Head Case main screen

and these are some of the heads




Each one of these heads also has the built in feature to be able to email Ken McLaren directly for support. Simply click on the signature and write to him. You can optionally go to the AcmeBarGig website as well just by clicking on the AcmeBarGig Logo.

The Preampus Classic Hybrid line is also going to be used in a second MAJOR products as well. Its called Franken Amp. You are able to select the components that make up an amp and then save that amp as its own VST. We're pleased to announce that we have a working proto-type of the Franken Amp. As we build more components, we add them to Franken Amp.
Sounds very interesting! Love your new skins. Amp sims just seem to sound better with a nice looking skin :lol:
Yeah Like DaWolf said, I believe they are pretty much ready now, but I still am waiting for some more reports back. We have over 20 testers and I have only heard back from 3 so far. They have all said its ready to release. So as soon as I can get some more info from more of them We'll release. And yes the skinners did a great job on these.Its something that they have all worked like crazy on..

The names..Yes we thought a lot about them, there is a ton of these in the series too, I believe we're at 11 now, Theres Tamla HEAD, Pin Head, Pluck Head, Iron Head, Lettuce Head, Good Head, Bad Head, Razor Head..etc..Thay are all different components of classic rock amps. But the real big news is FrankenAMP...

FrankenAMP will contain all of these components that makeup these heads and will allow you to make your own selection of components. Now here's the kicker! It also contains an option to save your selection as its own VST. We have a working prototype of this right now and the testers have been using it. So when you save it as its own VST the copyright for that VST belongs to you with limitations. The limitation is that you can only make so many selections so sooner or later someone else will make the same selections. In that case your copyright is not enforceable. It essentially is of no value, but what it does allow you to do is distribute your selections freely. It currently does not allow you to skin, but that is coming..

You plugins rock so hard :)

But I'm really bummed that you canned DIG 2.5, I was looking forward to all the customization, gut options, tube bias and shit... it sounded amazing. If you can ever continue with those features I'd be the happiest man on earth :)
Son of DIG is coming, and I've been toying with the idea of putting some of the FrankenAMP technology in it. So design your amp sound and make it into its own VST...But Its still early to say whether that would be possible. I have also made the last stable version of DIG 2.5 available to whoever wants it. I just need an email from you and I'll send it to Son of DIG will have all the same tweaks as DIG 2.5, But it is more responsive and better sounding. It has all our new components, better tubes, better everything really. So maybe it will finally be the AMP I originally envisioned since that initial UnNamed amp way back when. We will be initially releasing SPAWN(Son of DIG) from the original thread over at GAM, and all Versions of DIG that lead up to it will be re-released with it...

I however am most excited about FrankenAMP..If all goes well, in a few versions of that you guys will be creating your own VST amps complete with your own custom Skins and knobs. I think once we get to a point of being able to do that, we will start to see a real variety of great sounding amps all for free made by people who are passionate about amp sims. Like you guys.

Its one thing to build a insanely tweak-able vst amp and release it, that gives some power to the user. It is quite another to allow the user to make that tweak-able amp into its own VST..and give the user the copyright to it..If all goes well, we're gonna be flooded with VST amp sims....