AcmeBarGig Free VSTs - DIG, BIG, RedShift

"- Can you make the compression attenuation meter a lot longer with more numbers and preferrably horizontal? I mean I usually don't like to compress 48dB with one compressor, more like 3-10dB with one compressor but rather use two or three in series."

Really?, thats an interesting technique, What does this do? First thought is that it would probably lessen the noise yet still give you the same amount of compression at the end ? Interesting, I want to experiment with this idea and perhaps build a compressor that does this internally. So you simply set one level and three compressors inside add together to give you the final amount that you set...
Comp Meter, Maybe..depends on screen real estate..

Gives you more control, makes the compression a bit smoother and tighther, can make your compression still have the transients while being fatter.

I'll make you an example. Same track, same compressors, equal amount of compression, same peak values, different processing. They are definately both usable, but the latter is just a little fatter.

First is the non compressed version, then the next loop has only one compressor with 4:1 ratio, 20ms attack, 20ms release, threshold -20dB and compressing ~15dB at max. the last one has three with each compressing ~5dB at max (470ms attack, 80ms release, 2:1 ratio, threshold -14dB + 20ms attack, 20ms release, 4:1 ratio, threshold -11dB + 150ms attack, 1500ms release, 1.25:1 ratio, threshold -30dB). Both attenuate total amount of 15dB compression. The first one smoothes out the body, the second one evens out the peaks a bit and the last one compresses the whole thing just a bit (edit: I updated it with the original clip too)

edit2: sorry kazrog
Thanks AHJ, Haven't checked it out yet, I want to really give it a listen. But rest assured I will, as I said, I like the idea of stringing 3 compressors together controlled with one dial..

Thanks Fate...
nvm :lol:

But to the ABG guys: Do you take suggestions for plugins?

I do actually own a bass myself, but there are some people even on this forum who only own a guitar (and a Mesa... Metaltastic, I am looking at you!) but no bass guitar, so I was thinking that could you make a "ghetto bass" plugin that in addition sounds good? Basically it would be just a pitch shift octave down plus a variable low pass filter and possibly a one knob compressor. So three knobs only: bypass, lowpass filter frequency and compression knob. The less knobs, the better plugin :)
AHJ, Man you have some great ideas, I'm putting this on the list as well. Can we call it ghetto bass? there is'nt a plug already called that right?
Yes, I'll try and build this..
I wonder of we could get some impulse files in it as well, just to make it a little more believable?

Well AHJ I did the preliminary research into it today, and seems to be relatively easy to do. I have a working mock up of it, already, but we'll see how it progresses, I'll keep you posted..
I'm liking how enthusiastic you guys at ABG are! Wow, you are taking in so many suggestions and really working on your products. Freeware or not, this feels really professional of you guys!

I can't comment on DIG yet, I have only tried it very little but I really do think it has potential. I will be comparing lots of freeware amps later when I have time.

On a side note: Does anyone know of any realtime convolution plugin other than keFIR? I really don't like keFIR because it always has some very weird digital artifacts in the higher frequencies while for example Revalver's convolution does not, while still being realtime basically. I don't feel like buying Revalver just for the convolution, they'd need to chop that off and sell it separately in that case. Maybe you guys from ABG can make an impulse loader to go with DIG as an addition to its Cab Shaper? With options to bypass the actual amp and stuff, DIG could be essentially used as convolution-only if desired.

Just a thought :) Whatever you do, keep it up and good luck with your plugins, they're great!
I like DIG :)

Four improvements wanted:

1. Could you organize the presets like it is done in guitar rig?
by different categories: Style, "modelled" Amp, Single Coil, Humbucker, Lead, Rythmen, Author, Dates ...

2. More Presets! ;)

3. Could you write some tutoritals how to systematically tweak DIG to achieve some common amp tones?

4. Could you add some presets like Plexi, JVM 410H, Fender Blackface, ... and light up the range the original amps would have worked, so you can see, now i am leaving the plexi territory. As some kind of orientation, if this was a plexi preset:


THX for DIG :) :) :)
Hey Guys, wow great ideas once again!

Presets, perhaps, we are going to be working very heavily in that area, and yes GR has great preset handling.

More Presets...
Well when I designed DIG I knew this would be something people would want. So I built in Web Preset handling. So right from within DIG you can go to the abg website and download or upload presets. Not sure what it is, but that does not seem to be a very popular feature, perhaps its just my ability to get the word out about it, but it does not seem that utilized. There still is only but a few there. We are really in a catch 22 here as I don't want my testers using all their time making presets, we want to keep developing free stuff for you guys. But on the other hand we need to provide more presets for this web feature. So, I don't know what to say other than that. I myself really suck at presets, so I rely on the testers to create them. Our Development schedule is almost unheard of, almost no one takes a product from concept to full release in a week. So as you can see we really don't have time to create them.

Man have I ever been meaning to do that! DIG is very short on info and thatwill be addressed. I might even start a DIG wiki or something..Either way, it will be posted at the website in future. Our amp model maker Guts had a relatively extensive Manual on modelling with ABG products, so I may make that into a web page..I will address this though..And thanks. Perhaps this is why there is no presets on the server..?

"light up the range the original amps would have worked,"

Amazing idea, that will probably show itself in one way or another, perhaps in Guts 2.0. Really, That is a great idea! It's funny because Iam working on our interface routines straight across the board right now. So I will start looking at ways this can be implemented. Thanks

Thak you We appreciate hose words. Real Time Convolution...Yes our new amp does this and allows you to load in your own IR's it is also separaet from the head, so you can use just the cab..Its called Cyan and has a tube amp and a Solid state amp..Actually there are a ton of different features not found in any other amp..Its due for release mid June..


Anyways Guys, as always thankyou for your time in checking these things out we really appreciate it at ABG, and we hope to see you guys at the sitte. We have a new delay being released this Saturday called Aftershock, you can check it out at the site...
Glad you guys are enjoying the sims and some GREAT suggestions here, I can't wait to test some of the ideas out!

Ken has been talking about this Ghetto Bass, and I'm really excited about it, he's gone very in-depth into this and I can't wait to check it out.

Our next release, as Ken mentioned, is Aftershock, a 3-way stereo delay with individual delays for Left, Right and Center, level controls for all 3 delays, dry/wet mix and each delay selectable between Standard (modified using a 'Time' knob), Tap Tempo and Host Tempo (Selectable note values relative to the tempo your DAW is set at)...that's MY kinda threeway!

Here's a quick example of me attempting to use Aftershock to add an atmospheric feel, excuse the playing :p

Thanks for being so receptive and encouraging guys! :D
Thak you We appreciate hose words. Real Time Convolution...Yes our new amp does this and allows you to load in your own IR's it is also separaet from the head, so you can use just the cab..Its called Cyan and has a tube amp and a Solid state amp..Actually there are a ton of different features not found in any other amp..Its due for release mid June..



Amazing! You are one step ahead of me :) I'm really looking forward to Cyan... tell ya what, when I finally have some time to toy around with music again, probably this summer, I'm gonna give a lot of stuff a deep try. When I'm done, I'll be preparing some donations, and you guys will probably be one of those who will receive some :)
Ahj, yep, you're right, I should change those but it is not 1993, it is 1996... :)

I have finished the request from Member AHJ for the Ghetto bass he was asking for. Except I didn't get all the requests in. I tried adding a compressor to it, but found it was just eating CPU and was not required. Also it did not need a Filter. But what it did need was a stereo octave with pan on each channel, and a dry mix. It also has a chorus and EQ per channel. Anyways, here's a screen shot. Since I'm developing our Cyan line, I decided to place this in it..


Ahj, yep, you're right, I should change those but it is not 1993, it is 1996... :)

I have finished the request from Member AHJ for the Ghetto bass he was asking for. Except I didn't get all the requests in. I tried adding a compressor to it, but found it was just eating CPU and was not required. Also it did not need a Filter. But what it did need was a stereo octave with pan on each channel, and a dry mix. It also has a chorus and EQ per channel. Anyways, here's a screen shot. Since I'm developing our Cyan line, I decided to place this in it..



Badass - I'm defo switching over to Windows cuz there's a lot of great free plugins coming out lately! :D