good friends can be fuckin dicks

I had a girlfriend of six years. We get a roommate, he's pretty cool - friend of a friend.

Long story short.

I'm single, moved out, she fucked his brains out. OH And did I tell you six years we were together..she was a virgin because she was waiting till marriage. So i'm a virgin, yep. 21 too. Whatever, I knew she was a virgin cause of medical things so she didn't fuck until that guy.

Oh Sean, you seem like the kinda guy that's just too "nice" to chicks and consequently gets taken advantage of.

And Gabriel, you guys have a two bed room... so why didn't you just fuck her on YOUR bed? :lol:
Ha dude she was my first and only girlfriend in my entire life. I'm in a wheelchair not your..sexiest man. lol I was lucky to get her so I thought. We were engaged.
wow, tough story Sean :(
see the positive side...if you tell this story any girl she'll definitely have sex with you, cause it really is one fucked up and sad story.
how long ago was that?
You're telling me. I lost my apartment and she broke my only guitar. I need to buy a new one to finish my CD but i'm broke lmfao. Cripples cant get jobs well.
Sean, I know you're in a wheelchair but that doesn't mean you have to sell yourself short. You're way better than that cunt and eventually there'll be other chicks. It's the attitude man. Take a lesson from Larry Flint. :)
Sean, I know you're in a wheelchair but that doesn't mean you have to sell yourself short. You're way better than that cunt and eventually there'll be other chicks. It's the attitude man. Take a lesson from Larry Flint. :)

Oh I DONT sell myself short. They do. I'm making my way in the world sloowly but surely. lol. One ramp at a time.
I'll drink to that.

Hey sorry man, my comment was actually in response to Slash's comment about "why not just bang her on your own bed"

Your story is fucked up and I feel for ya but in a way, my comment kinda applies to that as well. All about the karma chief ;) She'll get hers and you're probably better off

As Slash also said, don't sell yourself short
why the fuck did she break your axe? was breaking a heart not enough?
k, if you ever get to have sex with her, here's what I'd do:

take some sort of hot dog and put a stick through it, then slice the sausage so that its individual bits are held together by the stick....dip that in one of those 1000000 scoville hot thingies...
when she's expecting you to put your wiener in you're putting THAT wiener in, holding her labia shut while you pull the stick out...leaving the individual bits of hot sauce drenched sausage in there.

I know, it's cruel, but if anyone deserved that it's her
why the fuck did she break your axe? was breaking a heart not enough?
k, if you ever get to have sex with her, here's what I'd do:

take some sort of hot dog and put a stick through it, then slice the sausage so that its individual bits are held together by the stick....dip that in one of those 1000000 scoville hot thingies...
when she's expecting you to put your wiener in you're putting THAT wiener in, holding her labia shut while you pull the stick out...leaving the individual bits of hot sauce drenched sausage in there.

I know, it's cruel, but if anyone deserved that it's her

Germans :lol: