Good Hotel in Emeryville, Good Price


Sep 17, 2002
Lutherville, MD
Visit site
I went on Hotwire, and got a hotel for the weekend. I know Hotwire is a little bit frightening b/c they dont list the actual hotel before you purchase it, but I decided what the hell. It is the cheap $58 or 68 three star, and it turned out to be the Doubletree (great hotel chain) Berkley Marina. Do the Enchant boys or maybe Kristin know if its a good hotel? Looks nice on the website.

I decided to make this a biz trip, so I am going to be in the area earlier Fri nite for the get together. :grin:
Hey Jim

The Marina is cool I work close by there and I am very familier with the area, and the pre show is gonna by in the Marina somewhere or close by actually. I am hoping to have something set this weekend. I know the Radisson is there but I am not sure about the Double
tree, I will find out OK! I think it is cool.
At that price, I'd say you hit the jackpot. I don't know the area hotels at all, but there's too much to do in Berkeley to spend much time in your hotel anyway! It's a gorgeous area to just walk around--I like to hit the marina and the pier at sunset--amazing view of the city (as Journey once described..)Or if you prefer warm and cozy viewing, check out Skates restaurant bar, or the Berkeley hills with a great cd player in your car:grin: . If you're a coffee drinker, please don't bother with Starbuck$--just too many great cafes in Berkeley. Try the ORIGINAL Peets on Walnut and Vine, you can't set up your laptop and do your homework for six hours, but the coffee is superb! And don't let me get started on the bookstores and record shops (amoeba..rasputin's amoeba...) Enjoy!!! looking forward to meeting all you travelers on Friday night!

Via venti nonfat extrahot decaf whipped dragon :loco: