(Good) Metal Radio shows...


I bleed sir, but not killed
Jul 6, 2001
I write this because Opeth 'Face of Melinda' has just come on the radio.

I know people are always complaining about the lack of good metal on the mainstream airwaves, but I think we have an exception in Australia.

The show, 3 Hours of Power is broadcast weekly from the government run station, Triple J. It generally a youth station that focuses on media issues and things that are pertinent to the youth of the country.

Anyway, in the last few minutes they've played Dimmu Borgir, Opeth, Killswitch Engaged ad infinitum. And I'm rather pleased.

Does any of the other countries have a show like this?
Originally posted by Black Heart
ummm one of my bro's friends has a radio metal show on the internet every saturday...and theres a chat too...its kinda cool, he plays good stuff... but its not the same as a regular radio show so I dunno..

That's cool, but this is broadcast on one of the few stations that goes all over Australia...

Real radio.

Go Opeth, go!!
The d.j knew about the double c.d release, but he said Opeth weren't touring this year.....

Hopefully he's wrong and that we actually get to see the band at least this year. The Australia jokes are getting beyond.. well.. the joke.
Um.. I'm not getting any messages from you!!! I hope this computer machine isn't out of order.
At the college I want to you could DJ whatever kind of music you wanted for an hour. Like say you wanted to play music from 9-10pm on Thursday nights that was your time slot. This one guy had a show called Metal Storm. He would play a bunch of death/black metal. He mostly just played the stuff where the drummer is going a million miles an hour and the guy singing just growls...every song he played sounded the same...but it was still cool to hear it on the radio.
My roommates friend had a show and she let us go in there a play some stuff...we played "The Small Hours" Metallica, Pantera, Jerry Cantrell, White Zombie. It was pretty cool.
It's just weird sitting here listening to the radio and hearing Opeth come on...

It's cool, although there hasn't been much else worth mentioning the last half hour or so.

I think this is Napalm Death.
Here in Sweden we have a good station that brings 2 hours of metal/punk/rock on Thursday. Some months ago they played Opeth for 1 hour, and they hade two of the Opeth guys in the studio.
We have lots of good metal shows on campus radio in Canada, but none that broadcast nationally (except over the internet).
Our national radio station has some cool experimental stuff on in the middle of the night, but no shows dedicated to metal...

Yeah, triple J is fairly sweet. I've been menaing to start listening to it agian over the last couple of nights but seem to have missed it...again.

And yeah it's good that they put Opeth on, but even that they don't do too often, but a little is better than nothing....

As far as net radio goes, I've only really 'heard' one, and it's really good it's called 'snakenetmetalradio' , it's on 24hrs a day and you simply go to the website and request a song from a very extensive list and hey presto, as early as ten minutes later it'll be streaming on to your stereo at home.

I haven't been their in ages though either, it's a little slow with a 56K connection if your doing anything else. :cry:
Actually today I discovered a cool metal radio show, i guess it's on wednesdays from like 9 am - 1 pm... wierd time, but they played in flames, soilwork, nevermore, liquid tension experiment, the haunted, at the gates, etc. it was just so cool to hear those bands on the radio.