Good metalcore


Active Member
Apr 11, 2015
Metalcore has garnered a reputation for being manufactured, weak, commercial music that's fair-removed from it's hardcore and extreme metal roots, but it still initially started out as an organic fusion genre, much like grindcore, the only difference being that it took off and became commercialized. Any metalcore is okay here, but I wanted to make a thread where the focus is on "metalheads' metalcore". Basically, the stuff that was around before metalcore really took off, and the stuff that sounds like it. There're some real gems out there.

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I've given 90s metalcore a fair chance and it wasn't for me. I respect it for what it is though and for being more organic like you said.
That's fair!! I haven't really found anything that I'm interested in to the same degree that I am with mainline metal stuff, though that Integrity album is close, and is what inspired me to make this thread.

Good reason to respect it though. It's not all bad just because it has a certain label attached to it. It's fairly common for certain styles to appeal to a niche (or the masses) in a way that goes beyond normal heavy metal appeal, we see this with power metal too. Compare old school US/EUPM to later EUPM and the bands from elsewhere that seek to emulate it. It's arguably more different from you know, Savatage than Savatage is to early thrash or doom.
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Check out Abnegation, Starkweather, and Deadguy if you haven't already and like this kinda thing. A lot of what turns me off about this stuff is the vocals. Starkweather in particular make some genuinely amazing music that is all but ruined by horrible clean and harsh vocals.
This one is labelled metalcore on RYM but I dunno how fitting that is. It's the zany vocals that are a major part of the appeal anyway:

Any hardcore I like tends to be of the metallic variety. This local band from circa 2010-11 was quite cool live and probably fits the thread:

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Burnt by the Sun

The thinking' man's metalcore. Shit gets mathy at times but they aren't afraid to drop some serious bro-downs when needed. I'm not big on metalcore either but the fact I bump up 'em regularly along Morbid Saint is a testament to their creativity.

Burnt by the Sun

The thinking' man's metalcore. Shit gets mathy at times but they aren't afraid to drop some serious bro-downs when needed. I'm not big on metalcore either but the fact I bump up 'em regularly along Morbid Saint is a testament to their creativity.

That is a fine album. For more music of that variety released around the same time, I'd recommend Luddite Clone. They only released on EP as far as I know, but it was great.

That is a fine album. For more music of that variety released around the same time, I'd recommend Luddite Clone. They only released on EP as far as I know, but it was great.

Yeah, they're great too. I miss that era when Relapse used to sign bands like them back in the day. Guess Dillinger worship is no longer the moneymaker it used to be.
Generally I'd say some of the best metalcore was released in the latter part of the 90's through the 00's. Here are some good albums.


A Dozen Furies - A Concept From Fire (2005)


A Love Ends Suicide - In the Disaster (2006)


All That Remains - This Darkened Heart (2004)


As I Lay Dying - Shadows Are Security (2005)


August Burns Red - Messengers (2007)


Burn In Silence - Angel Maker (2006)


Caliban - Shadow Hearts (2003)


Calm - Are We Supposed To Be... (2003)


Cannae - Gold Becomes Sacrifice (2005)


Cave In - Until Your Heart Stops (1998)
Some more.


Destiny - The Tracy Chapter (2004)


Every Time I Die - Last Night In Town (2001)


Faust Again - Hope Against Hope (2005)


If Hope Dies - Life in Ruin (2006)


It Dies Today - The Caitiff Choir (2004)


Misery Signals - Of Malice and the Magnum Heart (2004)


Of Mice & Men - Of Mice & Men (2010)


Oh, Sleeper - Son of the Morning (2009)


Parkway Drive - Killing with a Smile (2005)


Path of No Return - Black Nights Coming (2005)
I don’t listen to metalcore right now, but I really respect it. Overall, I became really fond of metal around this year. I spend a lot of time listening to music. Sometimes I turn to for help with my studies so I can have more time to listen to music and do sports. Share your favorite albums, maybe I’ll like them too!
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Maybe it's just whichever scenes attract a significant pool of women to be preyed on. I guess the stereotype is that more (not all) women dig a genre that's more about the looks: dyed hair, emo makeup, stretched earlobes, neck tattoos or whatever the fuck. As opposed to anything groundbreaking music-wise. Over the years I've probably heard the most about abusers in the goth/industrial scene (both in my city and worldwide), with Marilyn Manson being their patron saint. Another scene where appearance is everything and the music can be comically derivative. Paradise for narcissists.

Meanwhile black & death metal musicians have to settle for paedophilia.