We don't hate the bands, we hate the fans...

well,take a look in the mirror,you'll get the logic.

Holy Raptor Christ! You are the wittiest person on the internet. "well,take a look in the mirror,you'll get the logic." is one for the ages. I mean, wow, the amount of wit in that very well thought out, and extremely grammatically correct sentence, is blowing my fucking mind. I bow down to your massive mental prowess. How do you do it?
yeah but A7X really arent that bad at there instruments they dont make bad music people just hate them because they are getting popular and they look like a bunch of Emo kids.

abd BFMV is nowhere near as good as COB not by a long shot, although AYDY is close, there older stuff and the only stuff I like is nowhere near the Welsh tards.

Of course Laiho is a better guitarist...

But Avenged 7fold are bad at playing metal...they are more of a punk band, anyway. I don't give a shit if someone is popular or not...if the music is great, then they are a great band. Pink Floyd?

I'll take Trivium over A7X any day, although I dislike both bands.
Holy Raptor Christ! You are the wittiest person on the internet. "well,take a look in the mirror,you'll get the logic." is one for the ages. I mean, wow, the amount of wit in that very well thought out, and extremely grammatically correct sentence, is blowing my fucking mind. I bow down to your massive mental prowess. How do you do it?

yeah,your mom is my muse.
Of course Laiho is a better guitarist...

But Avenged 7fold are bad at playing metal...they are more of a punk band, anyway. I don't give a shit if someone is popular or not...if the music is great, then they are a great band. Pink Floyd?

I'll take Trivium over A7X any day, although I dislike both bands.

Actually I meant as a whole not just Alexi im actually more of a fan of Janne than Alexi, what A7X have you heard? because im not saying there incredible musicians but besides Corey from trivium I think a7x blows them out of the water especially on there song "The Wicked End" on there new album which is a pretty cool power metal song and really shows what the can do, even my guitar teacher was quite impressed.

id say trivium was about equal in earlier years but Trivium completly sucks ass now where as A7X keep improving.
I've listened to several of their songs, and what I've heard I don't like. I can't see them playing power metal...Metalium is a great power metal band and I just don't see A7X anywhere near that caliber of musicianship. I mean, Chris Caffery on guitar...there's no comparison.
I've listened to several of their songs, and what I've heard I don't like. I can't see them playing power metal...Metalium is a great power metal band and I just don't see A7X anywhere near that caliber of musicianship. I mean, Chris Caffery on guitar...there's no comparison.

I know, it's one song and im not saying it's Strato or Metalium (Chris Caffery is in TSO right?) but it deffinitly shows that they can play there instruments :p.