cob and amon amarth in san francisco (and trivium getting burned)


Jun 27, 2004
so children of bodom played at slims in san francisco and amon amarth started out. i really don't know the setlist but they had bad sound but still played really well and the crowd loved them. then the soundcheck before trivium a ton of people in the crowd started a Fuck Trivium chant. then trivium came on and played thier first song and some guy spat and i;m almost positive hit the singer. everyone also flipped them off, screamed fuck you trivium you suck etc. the singer got extremely pissed and started cussing out the guy who did it and was like show yourself etc i;m tough blah blah blah but no one ratted the guy out cause the trivium guy was just going to throw people out and he called the trivium haters immature etc. also he had to beg multiple times for a circle pit and was like if you;re metal jump around blah blah blah and other stupid shit like that. in general though a ton of people just flipped them off, swore at them and generally were extremely harsh. there were some people though that liked them and were into them but even people at the back of the room were swearing at trivium. after that bodom came on and played extremely well and played
Living Deadbeat
*rest not in order*
Are you Dead Yet
Hate Me!
In Your Face
We're Not Gunna Fall
Silent Night Bodom Night
Bodom after midnight/Bodom Beach Terror
Follow The Reaper
Angels DOn't Kill
Hatecrew Deathroll
Janne + alexi solo battle
Roope solo
jaska solo
everytime I Die
Needled 24/7

I was pretty happy with what bodom played but they could;ve played a couple more old songs. i would've really liked to see bed of razors. but if you can see this tour i recommend you do because amon amarth and cob are great.

i posted this on the cob board and since the concert was interesting i thought i;d post it here too:wave:
I went to see some metal bands, and it was raided with sniffer dogs , etc

...I thought Trivium gave an awesome performance even if I don't like their music...

I have seen Jag Panzer 2 times and everybody knows I don't like their music but I spit on them at shows... I just talk shit because I like hiding behind a keyboard :)
I'm not a fan of Trivium but I cant help but sympathize with them. I swear people are just plain rude, it's not a good feeling going on stage and getting boo'd like that. The guy from Trivium isnt a half bad guitar player and he certainly possesed more skill then the crowd. I could understand if it was Slipknot or Korn or someone, but Trivium dont deserve that.
Going to the bar would be response enough. Joining a crowd mentality and acting like trained monkey's is pathetic and immature. I don't like Trivium much, but I think there is a way of dealing with crappy bands on stage...which is HIT THE DAMN BAR!
I was told when they were here that they did extremely well. But I wasn't there, so who knows.
CoB is gay as gay can be and Slipknot shit all over all of the band's mentioned in this thread.

the guys from trivium all have large and funny ears and that's all I know.

I saw them in minneapolis...I lead a friend into their(trivium) "pit", then proceded to try to leave. I was tripped by a hardcore dancer, then my shoe was kicked off by the same asshole. Trivium blows. Amon Amarth was awesome. And Children of Bodom wasn't really my thing.