Good music when stoned.

The only metal I've really enjoyed for this purpose would be Ministry, particularly The Land of Rape and Honey. Much of that has to do with the steady, dance-oriented beats. That album's generally just trippy as hell though.
The only metal I've really enjoyed for this purpose would be Ministry, particularly The Land of Rape and Honey. Much of that has to do with the steady, dance-oriented beats. That album's generally just trippy as hell though.
The first time I smoked really (really!) good weed, a buddy and I just sat and zoned out on The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste. It would've made a great anti-drug commercial.

I also never really appreciated the song Scarecrow (Ministry - Psalm 69) until I was high - now, it's one my favorite songs. It's one of the few songs that I simply cannot listen to unless it's extremely loud. It's one of the most evil, menacing songs I've ever heard.
Does it necessarily have to be metal? If not, I'd recommend Sublime. But as for metal, I find Ministry to be awesome during a high.