Good thing I'm poor!

Soooo, Europe and Asia, don't be so hesitant to mock the US economic woes next time, because if we take a nice watery shit, your asses leak too. ;)

I'm financially secure, I don't invest in stock because of problems like these. So I watch curiously as the country falls apart, and then parts of the world.

Perhaps another huge war will fix our problems? Worked last time.
I don't think anyone's laughing or has ever laughed at the US for having such a poor economy...if they did laugh, they're idiots because what affects the US affects the world as well.

Everyone garnered a chuckle when the dollar became the peso of the new millennium, but that's about it.
Yeah, Canada suffers when U.S. dollar is low, because then they don't buy shit from us :lol: I hope the dollar plummet for a few days though, I want the CAD to equal the USD so I can buy some shit online :lol:
Interesting times to live in. I think people still believe this is just another recession, when in reality it is a game changer. The economic landscape is going to look fundamentally different when the dust settles. We'll see if today changes a few minds.
The only thing I give a shit about at the moment is how awesome the Euro is getting :( I used to get something like €1.80+ for £1, now it's hardly that.
I pulled all my stocks out at the right time. Got lucky, made some money. Once this crash has plateaued, time to buy some more!
My ford stock is still doing me good. Going up still, based on the fact that they still have cash reserves and can make it out of this. GM is getting knocked down, because they have shit left and the only thing standing between them and bankruptcy in march is the now funked bailout. Now, if GM falls and Ford stays, think this Ford may be a heavy gainer at that point.

Also, a lack of bailout isn't going to send the DJIA down. It'll hit the NASDAQ much harder in the long run. However, with news coming out from Madoff's firm that he essentially swindled some 50 billion dollars over the last 30 years and that everyone's money is gone, you're going to see a bit of sell offs from those whom don't trust their firms over this week. Could be a nice 300 point loss monday.
All I know is I have no investments, no debt, no mortgages, not even a credit card... but I do have a stable job and a place to live that I can (barely) afford.

I'm not too worried with what happens to the stock market.