Is it a bad or good thing where Nevermore plays?


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
Visit site
I'm psyched.

I missed Nevemore in May, but they're coming to the area again - that's a good thing.

They are playing in this hole-in-the-wall that doesn't hold many people - good or bad thing?

Good part - I have them all to myself - along with the other couple of hundred people that can fit into this establishment.

Bad part - if they play at places like this, they're way too deep underground to be making enough money to keep going.

What's your opinion?
I recently saw Nevermore in a pretty small club in Dallas, and it was very cool to have been so close to them!!!! Just because they are playing at a "hole in the wall" doesn't mean they aren't making enough money to go on. Hell, they opened up for Savatage at the show I went to! I don't think Savatage is going down anytime soon. Maybe they just choose to play at small places sometimes just for the feeling of closeness to their fans. Anyway, you won't regret going to see them at the hole in the wall. Trust me! If you can sneak a camera in then you've really got it made!
It's a good thing for sure. It's so amazing seeing them in small venues, even if they are a hole in the wall. When I saw them in a really small venue(The Kathedral in Toronto) I was right up against the stage. Warrel came up to my friend and poked her in the head during the part of Next in Line when he said "...brainwashed you...", so that was cool. And he came up to me with the mic during Dead Heart in a Dead World so I sang witgh Warrel! That was awesome! And I(my friend actually) got a camera in there and we think we got some cool pictures, but they still have to get deeloped.

Holes rule!
Well dudes...
I think that these kind of questions are quite tricky...
On the one hand we have the much warmer sense of the group, closer to them, fucking great! CT Thrash and Ecstatic Youth are right and I 've experienced things like catching Van's drum stick, or handshaking with WD etc. And it indeed felt great.

But, me playing the Devil's Advocate (that is NoLordy's advocate) I am thinking that:
I. Usually the sound is shit in those places.
II. These holes-in-the-wall are ususally overcrowded
III. Too much smoke might affect the group (I am not talking about NVRMR here)
IV. The view if you are not in front might not be good (I usually am in the front right next to the stage, but not each one fits there).

I guess it depends on the kind of show you will be watching. If they are lets say SIEGES EVEN/SOUL CAGES etc., then I personally would prefer a larger hole, whereas watching lets say, Sanctuary, Nevermore etc any good old shit hole would be fine.

In conclusion as long as it is metal and live any place would do the job.:D
Nevermor what's about to play here in Chile with Krisiun but some problem specially with the airlines for the terrorist attack shred the gig into my country

Goddamn it , Dead Talibans in a Dead World motherfuckers it is for you that we can't see Nevermore here, and maybe they will never try to come again

I've seen NEVERMORE 3 times. First at Bogart's in Cincinnati, OH with Flotsam and Jetsam on the Politics tour. Next, in my home state of KY in Richmond( were I attended Eastern Kentucky University and about 30 minutes from were I live) on the Neon Black Tour at a bar called The Firehouse with XII Seconds Of Rage(who had a blind drummer) and local band Pownd. Then, again on the Neon Black Tour at Annie's in Cincinnatti with Arch Enemy and the Deep(very good band). The pro's: very intimate and able to meet the band each time. The Firehouse show was on my birthday July 7, and I got to drink with the band (except Tim). Van was slamming tequila, and I hung out with him, Warrel, Jim, and Jeff and drank beer. All the guys were polite and down to earth. This was the best B-day since Nevermore is my favorite band and I got to hang out with them. Good sound at Bogart's and Annie's since national acts frequent them often

The cons: Bad sound at first at the Firehouse and small stage but when Nevermore went on everyone was drunk. Bad publicity and promotion for Firehouse show since it was a spur of the moment thing and Nevermore was suppose to tour with Grip Inc. but opted to tour by themselves in smaller places.

So, in conclusion, if Nevermore played my backyard I would be estatic. I would love to see them get more exposure but like seeing them in intimate settings.


Last time Nevermore toured Australia, they did a pub tour here. Very intimate, very professional... the majority of the metal scene here in Australia is mainly in pubs.

I even had the opportunity to play in the support act while they were here.

A great bunch of blokes!